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„ <br />BOOK 7 MEW <br />r: <br />4. To notify contractors to prepare and place on file written affirmative action compliance programs within 120 days of <br />the contract award if the contract exceeds $50,000 and the contractor has 50 or more employees. <br />5. To assist and cooperate actively with the Farmers Home Administration and the Secretary in obtaining the compliance <br />of contractors and subcontractors with the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause and the said rules, regulations, and <br />orders, to obtain and furnish to the Farmers Home Administration and the Secretary such information as they may require for <br />the supervision of such compliance, and to otherwise assist the Farmers Home Administration in the discharge of its primary <br />responsibility for securing compliance. <br />6. To refrain from entering into any contract, or extension or other modification of a contract, subject to such Executive <br />Order with a contractor debarred from Government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to Part U, <br />Subpart D, of such Executive Order or to prior authority; and to carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the <br />provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the Farmers Home <br />Administration or the Secretary pursuant to such Subpart D. <br />7. That if Recipient fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the Farmers Home Administration may take any <br />or all of the following actions: (a) cancel, terminate, or suspend said financial assistance in whole or in part; (b) refrain <br />from extending any further assistance under the program involved until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been <br />received from Recipient; and (c) refer fhe case to the Department of justice for appropriate legal proceedings. <br />Witness the due execution hereof by Recipient on this, the date first above written. ' <br />Recipient <br />(CORPORATE SEAL) <br />Attest <br />x~at <br />K. R. Foyle, Clerk, <br />R ecipient <br />Lee County <br />Name of Corporate Recipient <br />By <br />Frank 'clicker, Chairman of tt eresident <br />Lee County Commissioners <br />