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BOOK 7 PAGE 583 <br />Sanford, North Carolina 27330 <br />August 6, 1971 <br />Mr. Frank Wicker, Chairman <br />County Board of Commissioners <br />Sanford, North Carolina 27330 <br />Dear Mr. Wicker: <br />This letter establishes conditions which must be understood and agreed <br />to by you before further consideration may be given to the application <br />and which must be met before the loan and grant can be closed. <br />This letter is not to be considered as loan or grant approval or as <br />a representation as to the availability of funds. The docket may be <br />completed on the basis of an insured loan not to exceed $50,000 and a <br />grant not to exceed $23,000. <br />Please complete and return the attached Form FHA 442-46 if you desire <br />that further consideration be given your application. <br />1. Repayment Schedule <br />The insured loan will be scheduled for repayment over a period of <br />10 years at the interest rate of five percent (5%). The first in- <br />stallment will be for interest only and the additional installments <br />of principal and interest amortized over 9 years. Each install- <br />ment will be due on June 1 with the first installment due the first <br />June 1 following the date of loan closing or delivery of the bond. <br />2. Security <br />Security will consist of one single solid waste disposal bond which <br />is to be advertised and offered for sale to the publie,by the Local <br />Government Commission in accordance with applicable State`Iaws. <br />Farmers Home Administration will place a bid of five percent (5%) <br />on the bond and will purchase the bond if no bids of five percent <br />or less are received. <br />3. Records and Audits <br />The county must make audit reports and other records available to <br />the Local Government Commission as required by State Statutes. Prior <br />to loan closing, the county must request in writing the assistance <br />of the Lcml Government Commission in making a thorough review and <br />study of the county's records and reporting system and recommenda- <br />tions are to be received from the Commiss''lon that will enable the <br />j <br />J <br />