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BOOK 7 PAGE599 <br />BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of <br />Lee, as follows: <br />Section 1, The Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee has as- <br />certained and hereby determines that, in order to provide vehicles, equip- <br />ment, apparatus and furnishings to be used in conjunction with the Sanitary <br />Landfill Facilities maintained and operated by the County, it will be nec- <br />essary to make the improvements hereinafter described, and that it will <br />be necessary to provide for such purpose not more than $50, 000 from <br />the proceeds of bonds; in addition to any funds which may be contributed <br />by the Federal Government or any of itsagencies, or which may be pro- <br />vided by the County or State or from any other source. <br />Section Z. In order to raise the money required to finance the <br />acquisition of vehicles, equipment, apparatus and furnishings to be used <br />by Lee County, in conjunction with the maintenance and operation by said <br />County of Sanitary Landfill Facilities for the disposal of garbage, refuse <br />and other wastes, bonds of the County of Lee, are hereby authorized and <br />shall be issued pursuant to The County Finance Act of North Carolina. <br />The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by <br />this bond order shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000). <br />Section 3. Said Board of Commissioners has also ascertained <br />r <br />and hereby determines that the purpose hereinbefore described is a <br />necessary expense of said County within the meaning of Section 2 of <br />Article V of the Constitution of North Carolina and is a special purpose <br />with the special approval of the General Assembly for which said County <br />may raise or appropriate money, and is not a current expense of said <br />County. <br />I <br />z. <br />