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aflnh " + ~a~F 14 <br />I want my position perfectly clear on the 1 <br />additional sales tax. After, and I repeat after, the <br />revaluation figures are presented to the board (which <br />should be before or by December 31, 1971) then, if <br />necessary; we can show our people that additional <br />revenue is needed to support our public school system, <br />other departments and our capitol improvements and that <br />the greatest per tentage of any additional revenue would be <br />used for these definite purposes, in lieu of raising property <br />taxes, then I would definitely vote for an additional 1 ~ sales <br />tax. <br />Since there are some of you on this board that con- <br />tinue to insist that a vote be taken now--and before revalu- <br />ation is completed and before we definitely know how and <br />where this money is to be spent, I, today, vote NO and ' <br />request that this statement be recorded in the, minutes of <br />this meeting. <br />Signed: Gordon Wicker <br />Signed: Perry White " <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board appropriate <br />$800. 00 from the unappropriated surplus in the General' Fund to the Civil Defense <br />Fund for the purpose of purchasing an automobile for use by the Director and that <br />consent of the Board be given to the sale and disposition of the Ramble rautomobile <br />presently provided for the Director's use. Commissioner Rogers seconded the <br />motion and upon a roll call vote it was unanimously adopted. Messrs. Cooper, <br />Rogers, White, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all voted for it and no one voted <br />against it. <br />Commissioner Perry White moved that the meeting be adjourned <br />until Monday, October 18, 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., to reconvene at the <br />Commissioners' Room, on the second floor of the County Office Building, at the <br />corner of Wicker and Steele Streets in the City of Sanford, North Carolina. <br />Franklin D. Wicker, Chairman <br />Atte A t: <br />Kenneth R. lloyleyfC}er <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presented for registration on the I day <br />of 19,2/1 at M, <br />recorded in Book page <br />J. Chandler Eakes Register of Deeds . <br />