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1971 - 11-01-71 Regular Meeting
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1971 - 11-01-71 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
3/25/2010 2:34:50 PM
Creation date
3/25/2010 2:34:27 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Box PdCE r <br />There was a discussion about the vacancy in the position of the <br />Assistant to the Forest Ranger and Commissioner Wicker was authorized to sub- <br />mit recommendations to the appropriate state officials, <br />Mr. Billy Ray Cameron, appeared before the Board and submitted <br />a petition which was executed by the members of the Board which requested an <br />addition to the iail-for ' additional cells, sheriff's offices, and storage areas. <br />Mr. James L. Clark, Tax Supervisor appeared before the Board <br />and discussed the redal'uation program. The Board resolved to authorize the <br />Tax Supervisor to empity such help as he needs to complete the revaluation <br />activities required in his office upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded <br />by Commissioner White, unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />White, unanimously adopted upon a vote it was resolved to purchase three file <br />cabinets and two tables from Carolina Appraisals, Inc. , for the price of $210. 00 <br />for use in storing property valuation cards. <br />Mr. James L. Clark reviewed changes in the machinery act and <br />the requirements for claimingtbe old age exemption. <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields appeared before the Board and reported that <br />she had been advised that grant funds were once again available for ambulances. <br />Upon motion ofCommissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner White, unan- <br />imously adopted by the Board, it was resolved to proceed with plans to purchase <br />a crash vehicle with the grant proceeds and to make provision for purchase of a <br />coach type ambulance in the budget for the coming fiscal year. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />White, and unanimously adopted, it was resolved to authorize Commissioner <br />Rogers and Civil Defense Director Billy Ray Cameron to.sell the station wagon <br />type ambulance. <br />The Board authorized the payment to Mrs. Patsy Rogers for her <br />overtime work. The-motion was made by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by <br />Commissioner Wicker, and unanimously adopted. <br />The audit of the Clerk of Superior Court accounts was referred to <br />Commissioner Rogers and Auditor Underwood for their study and report. <br />The statement of Carolina Appraisals, Inc. , for $585. 30, was approved <br />for payment upon motion of Commissioner Gordon Wicker, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner White, and unanimously adopted. <br />The Board resolved to appropriate the sum of $1, 250. 00 from the <br />Emergency and Contingency Fund to the Fire Department Fund for the purpose of <br />purchasing five monitor units to be distributed to the chiefs of the five rural fire <br />departments. The motion was made by Commissioner Gordon Wicker, seconded <br />by Commissioner Cooper and unanimously adopted upon a roll call vote as follows: <br />AYE:. Cooper, Rogers, White, G. Wicker, and F. Wicker <br />NAY: None <br />The monthly bills as tabulated by the County Accountant and supported <br />by purchase orders, were approved for payment. The motion was made by <br />Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Gordon Wicker, and unanimously <br />adopted. <br />
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