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1971 - 12-06-71 Regular Meeting
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1971 - 12-06-71 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
3/25/2010 2:31:01 PM
Creation date
3/25/2010 2:30:25 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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nI & kAu( <br />The Chairman asked the Board to consider establishing.a tax <br />ratio[ in order that re-valuation notices may reflect the taxable value of <br />property and the Board considered and discussed the matter.. Commissioner <br />Gordon Wicker moved that the assessment ratio as defined by G.. S. 105-284, <br />be set at 60%. There was no second and the chair ruled that the motion died <br />for the lack of a second. Commissioner Perry White moved that the tax <br />assessment ratio as defined by G. S. 105-284, be set at 70%.. Commissioner <br />Rogers seconded the motion. Messrs. Cooper,. Rogers, White and F.. Wicker <br />voted for the resolution and Commissioner Gordon Wicker voted against it. The <br />chair ruled the motion had carried by. a majority vote. <br />Commissioner Gordon Wicker moved that the draft of the ordinance m_r <br />resolution to create a Recreation Commission, be amended to limit the terms of <br />appointees to two consecutive three-year terms. Commissioner William H. <br />Cooper seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman announced that the organizational meeting of the <br />governing bodies of Region J, will be held at the City Club, Hotel Sir Walter, <br />Raleigh, North Carolina, on January 11, 1972.. Commissioner Gordon Wicker <br />reported on the meeting of the Department of Public Health. <br />Commissioner William H., Cooper moved that the County install a <br />.permanent listing system for the listing of all real property as authorized by <br />G._ S.. 105-303(b), and in the manner set forth in sub-sections 1 through 4, under <br />said G. S. 105-303(b), and that the approval of the State Board of Assessment be <br />obtained for the installation of such permanent listing, system.. Commissioner <br />Rogers seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />There was a discussion about the schedules which have been developed <br />and compiled for use in appraising real property in the County and the necessity <br />for publishing a notice for the development of such schedule since the Machinery <br />Act had been amended since the County undertook its re-valuation program. In <br />view of the changed requirements of the Machinery Act, Commissioner William H. <br />Cooper moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, there has been developed and compiled <br />uniform schedules.of-values, standards and rules to. be used <br />in appraising real property in Lee County; and <br />WHEREAS, said schedules have been reviewed and <br />approved by the Boardbefore they were used; <br />NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of <br />County Commissioners, as'follows: <br />(1) That the Schedules, standards and rules as set <br />forth in the following volumes: <br />Volume I: Dwelling. Schedules and Specifications, <br />Description of land and land schedule <br />Volume II: Commercial and Industrial Building <br />Schedules and Specifications <br />Volume III: Maps of Lands in Urban and Sub- <br />division Areas with Front Footage prices shown thereon; <br />all as prepared by the Carolina Appraisal Company, are hereby <br />approved and adopted; <br />
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