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J <br />and will pass over the County water and sewer line in Jonesboro Township. <br />The procedure would be for the County to pay for the improved pipe and then <br />bill the State Highway Commission for this difference. <br />The Board approved of such procedure and authorized the Chairman <br />to indicate his consent and agreement to the arrangement and return a copy of <br />the letter to the State Highway Commission. <br />Mr.. Sion Hr Kelly, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the <br />Coard and outlined the needs of his office for additional office space. <br />Commissioner William H., Cooper moved that the sum of $2, 000. 00 <br />be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the <br />Maintenance Fund for the renovation of the second floor of the Courthouse Annex <br />for the purpose of providing space for the Probation Officers and others. <br />Commissioner Perry White seconded the motion. Messrs. Cooper, Rogers, <br />White, G. Wicker and.F. Wicker all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The statement of Blue Contracting Company, as approved by the <br />County's architects, honey & Newcomb, was presented to the Board and con- <br />sidered and the-bill of Carolina Appraisals,: as approved by the Tax Supervisor, <br />were presented to the Board and the Board; ,in turn, approved said bills and <br />directe3cthat they'be added to the list of bills approved for payment. <br />Commissioner Perry White moved that the sum of $750. 00 be <br />appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund derived from <br />non-tax sources for the purpose of purchasing baskets to be distributed to the <br />County Employees for Christmas. Commissioner Gordon Wicker seconded the <br />motion. Messrs. Cooper, Rogers, White, G. Wicker and F. Wicker all voted <br />for the motion and no one voted against it. <br />The Chairman directed the Board's attention to the fact that it <br />should state and declare what days would be observed as holidays over the <br />Christmas Season. Commissioner Rogers moved that Friday, December <br />24th and Monday, December 27th and Monday, January 3rd, be observed as <br />holidays for the County employees and that all County offices be closed on those <br />dates. Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and upon a vote it was, unan- <br />imously adopted. <br />The Chairman read a letter received from Caswell Training School, <br />but no action was taken. <br />The Chairman designated Commissioner Gordon Wicker and <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper as a committee to discuss with the City the <br />possibility of joint operations of a sanitary landfill. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper reported on information received <br />from Lo Dal Containers for garbage collection, and Commissioner Perry White <br />reported on the sizes and prices for bulldozers and front end loaders. <br />Commissioner Rogers moved that the sum of $800. 00 be appropriated <br />from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund for the purpose of <br />employing the maintenance worker, tax clerk, and.landfill operator, which projects <br />were approved by Region J, under the Emergency Employment Act of 1971. <br />Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion. Messrs.. Cooper; Rogers, White, <br />G. Wicker and F. Wicker voted for the motion and no one voted against_it. <br />