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& PACE X33 <br />.Section 7. Funds appropriated by the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee and budgeted to the Recreation Commission shall <br />be disbursed by the County Finance officer:of LEE COUNTY upon vouchers <br />issued by the Recreation Commission and within the budget appropriations <br />made. Funds received by the Re creation Commission from sources other <br />than,budget appropriations shall be deposited by the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee, to the credit and for the use of the Recreation Comm- <br />ission and disbursed as budget funds are disbursed, except that funds re- <br />ceived by gift, bequest or otherwise shall be disbursed in accordance with <br />the terms of such gift or bequest. <br />Section 8. . The Recreation Commission shall make full and com- <br />plete reports to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee at such <br />times as may be requested and at such other times as to the Board of Comm- <br />issioners for the County of Lee may seem proper. The fiscal year of the <br />Commission shall conform to that of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee. <br />Section 9• Such powers as are now provided by statute of the <br />State of North Carolina or by the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee relating to the development and operation of recreation <br />systems, parks and playgrounds are hereby vested in the Recreation <br />Commission to be exercised by it subject to all restrictions contained i n <br />such powers and resolutions. <br />. Section 10. All resolutions of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Section 11. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after February 7, 1972 <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman then called for.nominations for members of the <br />Recreation Commission. All of the names which had been recommended to the <br />Board were nominated and an election was held by ballot. After the ballots were <br />distributed and marked, the results were announced as follows: <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers <br />Mr. •Worth Pickard, of Pocket Township <br />Mr. Watson P. Kelly, of Jonesboro Township <br />Dr. Charles Tullock, of Cape Fear Township <br />Mr. Dale White, of Greenwood Township <br />Mr. Richard Branch, of West Sanford Township <br />Mr. Jimmy Gaines, of Deep River Township <br />Mrs. Marietta Watson, of East Sanford Township <br />Mr. James E. Heins, of West Sanford Township <br />The Chai rman announced that it would be necessary that the <br />terms for the initial appointees to be designated and while the members <br />considered this, the Commission took up other business. <br />A petition of property owners on Secondary Roads 1553,. 1554, <br />1555, and 1556, to have said roads improved by having them paved, was presented <br />to the Board. Commissioner William H.. Cooper moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: <br />Page 3 <br />