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KM 8 om 59 0 <br />Upon receipt of said payments of principal and interest, written <br />notice of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the County <br />Clerk and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on <br />this bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment <br />li of principal and interest this bond shall be surrendered to the <br />County for cancellation. <br />This bond is issued pursuant to The County Finance Act <br />of North Carolina and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of <br />i Commissioners of the County,on September 7, 1971, to finance the <br />acquisition of vehicles, equipment, apparatus and furnishings to <br />j ' <br />be used by Lee County in conjunction with the maintenance and <br />operation by said County of sanitary landfill facilities for the <br />I; disposal of garbage, refuse and other wastes. <br />This bond is exchangeable at the sole expense of the <br />County at any time, upon ninety days' notice, at the request of the <br />registered owner hereof and upon surrender of this bond to the <br />County, for.negotiable coupon bonds, payable to bearer, registrable <br />as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest, of the <br />denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, in an aggregate <br />principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount.of this bond <br />and~in the form of such coupon bond as provided for in the resolu- <br />tion authorizing the issuance of the bonds. <br />This bond may be assigned and upon such assignment the <br />assignor shall promptly notify the County by registered mail, <br />and the assignee shall surrender the same to the County for <br />transfer on,the registration records, or in exchange for coupon <br />bonds in the denomination of $1,000 each, in an aggregate principal <br />amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of-such registered bond <br />and bearing maturities corresponding to the principal installments <br />on such registered bond then unpaid, and every such assignee shall <br />take this bond subject to such condition. <br />- 10 <br />