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nou <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board of <br />Commissioners rescind the action taken to employ a County Manager and that <br />the funds allocated for this purpose be transferred to the current expense fund <br />of the appropriation for schools in the budget estimate.. There was no immediate <br />second and Chairman Franklin D. Wicker requested Vice-Chairman William H. <br />Cooper to assume the chair, and then seconded the motion. Chairman Wicker <br />spoke in favor of the motion and Commissioner Rogers' spoke in opposition to the <br />motion and presented a paper setting forth the duties'aud responsibilities of a <br />County Manager. Commissioner White moved the previous question and upon a, <br />roll call vote, Messrs. Franklin D. Wicker and,.Gordon A. Wicker, voted for it <br />and Messrs. Cooper, Rogers and White voted against it and the motion was dec- <br />lared defeated. <br />Chairman Franklin D. Wicker then resumed the Chair. <br />Chairman Franklin D. Wicker announced that the time set forth <br />in the advertisement for bids for Sanitary Landfill equipment and ambulances, <br />had arrived, and the Board proceeded to open the bids. The bids received for <br />ambulances were as follows: <br />Superior Coach Company . . . . . $ 14, 120. 00 <br />Crane - M & M Sales . . . $ 15, 000. 00 <br />Simpson Equipment Company . . $ 17,270. 00 <br />After discussion, the Board elected to accept the low bid of <br />Superior Coach Company, in the amount of $14, 120. 00, upon motion of Commiss- <br />ioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously adopted. Messrs. <br />Cooper, Rogers, White, G. Wicker and F. Wicker all voted for it. <br />The Board then proceeded to open the bids received for trucks: <br />They were as follows: <br />Lee Motor Company . . . . . . . . $ 17, 042. 69 <br />Holt Truck & Tractor Co. . . . . $17;510.40 <br />Simpson Equipment Company . . . $ i7,150. 00 <br />The Board took these bids under advisement since some bidders <br />had bid on a conventional cab and others had bid on the requested tilt cab. <br />The Board then proceeded to open bids for a front-end loader for <br />use at the Sanitary Landfill and received only one bid, that of North Carolina <br />Equipment Company, for $35, 000. 00. The Board took this matter under advise- <br />ment. <br />The Board next opened bids on refuse equipment as follows: <br />a) 30 yard compactor body for truck chasis. <br />Simpson Equipment Company . $ 14, 284. 00 <br />b) 30 containers <br />Simpson Equipment Company . . . $ 7, 879.50 <br />Roach-Russell, Inc. , also bid on each of these items but the <br />compactor body was a package bid tother with a truck chasis, in the amount of <br />$27, 582. 30, and their entire system was for a load-all container system and not <br />the specified by. The bid for the 30 load-all containers was $7, 170. 00. The <br />Board took this under advisement. <br />