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The Chairman reported he had received a letter from Mr. <br />Melvin C. Holmes, County Manager of Onsl,ow County, soliciting support <br />for Mr. Orman Barbee, as the. outstanding County Commissioner of the year <br />away by the North Carolina Association of.County Commissioners. The Board <br />directed that Mr. Holmes be advised that his communication had been deferred <br />to our delegate for his consideration. <br />The monthly bills`as listed by the County Accountant were pre- <br />sented to the. Board and upon motion of Commissioner Rogers and duly seconded, <br />were approved for payment. ; <br />Cormnissione,r Rogers moved that the Board reject the bid received <br />for the front end loader for use. at the Sanitary Landfill, since it did not fully <br />comply with the specifications. The motion was seconded and duly adopted. <br />Commissioner Rogers moved that the specifications be amended <br />to solicit bids for new equipment for the type set out in the specifications with <br />the further addition that free use of comparable equipment be allowed pending <br />delivery. of the requested equipment and that the County proceed to re-advertise <br />for bids on this basis. The motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. <br />The Board then proceeded to open bids for the maintenance of <br />the County's office equipement. The bids received were as follows: <br />Mac's Typewriter Sanford Business Machine <br />Equipment $1,.132..74 $1,,466..00 <br />Monroe Equip. 191. 96 292.50 <br />$1,324.70 $1,758.50 <br />Commissioner Cooper moved that the low bid of Mac's Type- <br />writer Service be accepted. The motion was duly seconded and upon a vote was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Chairman Wicker reported that the Lee County Personnel <br />Committee had met and made the recommendation that this County follow the <br />same schedule and system of holidays as authorized by the State of North <br />Carolina, for its employees. Commissioner William H. Cooper moved that <br />the recommendations of the County Personnel Committee be approved and the <br />County adopt the schedule of holidays authorized by the State of North Carolina <br />for its employees as the same schedule of holidays to .be observed by County <br />employees. Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Chairman reported that the Recreation office was moving to the <br />Merial Health building. <br />The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Harnett <br />County Commissioners requesting Lee County to ask the Governor to transfer <br />them from Region J to the same Region with Harnett County. <br />The draft of the budget request was presented and read in its <br />entirety and approved for distribution to County agencies and departments for their <br />guidance. <br />There was a discussion about policies to follow for the purchase <br />of gasoline and fuel oil but no formal action was taken. <br />The meeting was adjourned upon motion made, seconded and duly <br />adopted, until Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1972, <br />Chairman <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />?rosented for registration on the day <br />,f 19 7-2-at J7.., 1__~;a M. <br />re orded in o$ ok_y- page /d <br />I. Chandler Eakes. Reeister of Deeds <br />