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BOOK PATE 12 <br />Commissioner Gordon Wicker informed the Board that he had received <br />information confirming a Grant Award which would be used in part to fund the <br />Lee County Council on Aging. Federal Funding will amount to $8550. with the local <br />share being $2850. A copy of the letter confirming the Grant Award is hereto <br />attached and made a part of these minutes. <br />The County Manager explained that the Local Government Commission <br />has requested that the Board designate a depository and co-paying agent for the <br />proceeds to be received by the County from the sale of $350,000. in General <br />Obligation Bonds. After some discussion, Commissioner Rogers made a motion that <br />The Carolina Bank be designated the depository and co-paying agent. Motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Cooper and on a roll call vote those voting aye were <br />Messrs Cooper, White, Rogers, Gordon Wicker, and Chairman Wicker. <br />A copy of the Retirement Schedule relating to the County's existing <br />debt requirements as of June 30, 1972 and the additional debt service requirements <br />relating to the General Obligation issue of $350,000. as prepared by the Local <br />Government Commission was presented to the Board for its consideration. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Cooper made a motion that the Retirement Schedule as <br />presented be accepted.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White. On a roll <br />call vote those voting aye were Commissioners Cooper, Rogers, White, and Chairman <br />Wicker. Voting nay was Commissioner Gordon Wicker. <br />The County Manager presented to the Board a request from a <br />prospective industrial client for a "Letter of Intent" relating to the expenditure <br />of Industrial Bond Funds to install a sanitary sewage line. After discussion of <br />the matter, the Board instructed the County Manager to prepare a !Letter of Intent" <br />for its consideration. <br />The County Manager brought to the attention of the Board a request <br />made by Mr. Chandler Eakes and Attorney H. M. :Jackson concerning the expenditure <br />of $100. which would be used to acquire two (2) cabinets to be located in the <br />County Courthouse in which would be placed historical documents and paraphernalia <br />relating to Lee County. Commissioner Rogers made a motion that the $100. <br />expenditure be authorized. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gordon Wicker <br />and upon vote was unanimously adopted. The Board instructed the County Manager <br />to write a letter to Attorney H. M. Jackson expressing the Board's appreciation <br />for his interest and participation in this matter. <br />Upon motion duly made, seconded, and duly adopted, it was resolved <br />to adjourn until 9:30 o'clock a.m. on Monday, October 2nd, 1972. The Meeting was <br />adjourned in keeping with the resolution. <br />J, Z4 <br />Chairman <br />