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Minutes - July 13, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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Minutes - July 13, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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BK -00027 PG:0698 <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />No one present spoke for or against the proposed text amendments for the above referenced <br />UDO amendment. <br />Chair Darlymple closed the public hearing. <br />The Board conducted the second public hearing as advertised. Community & Development <br />Director Marshall Downey presented Text Amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) <br />to add a new land use category for "Mining and Quarries, Oil and Gas Extraction". The following <br />sections of the Ordinance is being proposed to be amended: (1) Amendment to Article 4, Table 4.6-1 <br />Permitted Use Matrix to add a new land use category "Mining and Quarries, Oil and Gas Extraction" <br />and further indicate that the use shall be permitted as a Special Use with development regulations in <br />the RA and LI zoning districts and permitted by right with development regulations in the HI zoning <br />district, and (2) Amendment to Article 5, Supplemental Development Regulations, to create a new <br />Section 5.41 in order to add supplemental design standards for the land use "Mining & Quarries, Oil & <br />Gas Extraction". <br />An amendment to the Permitted Use Matrix to revise/update the existing land use category for "Mining <br />and Quarries" was also presented. Mr. Downey stated it was recommended an Amendment to the <br />Permitted Use Matrix to revise/update the existing land use category for "Mining and Quarries" to <br />"Mining and Quarries, except Oil and Gas" and prohibit the land use category as being allowed as a <br />Special Use in the RR, R-20, R-14, R-12SF, R-12, R-10, R-6, MF -12, NC, HC, C-1, C-2, O&I, and CBD <br />districts and further indicate that the use shall be permitted as a Special Use with development <br />regulations in the RA and LI zoning districts and as a permitted use by right with development <br />regulations in the HI zoning district. Mr. Downey stated the matter had been approved by the Joint <br />Planning Commission and feedback was received from the School of Government. He further <br />suggested that an informational meeting be held to allow citizens to ask questions and possibly have a <br />newspaper article done on the specific issues. <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />No one present spoke in favor of the proposed Text Amendments as referenced above. <br />The following spoke in opposition to the proposed Text Amendments: <br />1. Mr. James Womack, 1615 Boone Trail Road, Sanford (number of problems <br />with the proposed Ordinance as presented. Need to work with the Mining <br />& Energy Commission because they will have answers to all questions). <br />2. Mr. Dan Butler, Moore County resident but owner of property in Lee County <br />(feels rules are being changed and not sure why due to the proposed <br />Ordinance. Need to work with the Mining & Energy Commission to come <br />up with a good ordinance). <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Sloan moved to defer action on the matter until the 6 p.m., <br />August 17, 2015 meeting. After further discussion, Commissioner Frazier amended the motion to table <br />the matter indefinitely. Upon a vote of the amended motion, the results were as follows: <br />
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