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Minutes - July 13, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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Minutes - July 13, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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BK -00027 PG -0712 <br />17. Comply with the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143C-6-23: "State grant funds: <br />administration; oversight and reporting requirements" and the corresponding rules of North Carolina <br />Administrative Code, Title 9, Subchapter 03M, '`Uniform Administration of State Grants," including <br />submission of required financial reports within six months (or nine months for $500,000 threshold) of <br />the end of the Library's fiscal year(s) in which grant funds are received. <br />18. The State Auditor and the using agency's internal auditors shall have access to persons and records as <br />a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions in accordance <br />with General Statute 147-64.7 and Session Law 2010-194, Section 21 (i.e., the State Auditors and <br />internal auditors may audit the records of the contractor during and after the term of the contract to <br />verify accounts and data affecting fees or perfornance). <br />19. File with the State Library a copy of the Library's policy addressing conflicts of interest that may <br />arise involving the Library's management employees and members of its board of directors, <br />commissions, or other governing body. The policy shall address situations in which any of these <br />individuals may directly or indirectly benefit, except as the Library's employees or members of its <br />board, commissions, or other governing body, from the Library's disbursing of grant funds and local <br />matching funds and shall include actions to be taken by the Library or the individual, or both, to avoid <br />conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. (N.C.G.S. 143C -6-23(b)). The policy shall be <br />filed before the State Library may disburse the grant funds, unless the Library is covered by the <br />provisions of N.C.G.S. 160A-479.11 and 14-234. <br />20. File with the State Library the Library's sworn written statement completed by the Library's board of <br />directors or other governing body stating that, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143C -6-23(c), the Library does <br />not have any overdue tax debts, as defined by N.C.G.S. 105-243.1, at the federal, State, or local <br />level. The policy shall be filed before the State Library may disburse the grant funds, unless the <br />Library is covered by the provisions of G.S. 160A-479.1 1 and 14-234. <br />THE STATE LIBRARY AGREES TO: <br />1. Award LSTA grant funds to the Library in the amount and under the terns and conditions stated <br />above, subject to the availability of funds. <br />2. Pay LSTA grant funds upon receipt of reimbursement requests for approved, awarded expenditures <br />submitted by the Library. Pay by September 30, 2015, all approved requests received on or before <br />August 31, 2015. <br />3. Assist the Library as appropriate and necessary with the implementation of this project. Provide <br />monitoring and oversight through a combination of periodic emails, calls, visits, and review of <br />reimbursement requests and reports. <br />4. Report on this project to the federal funding agency, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, <br />and the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management in accordance with all applicable <br />federal and state requirements. <br />THIS AGREEMENT may be amended, if necessary, upon the mutual acceptance of a written <br />amendment to this agreement signed and dated by the Library and the State Library. Such amendment(s) <br />shall state any and/or all change(s) to be made. This affreement may be terninated by mutual consent <br />with 60 days' prior written notice or as otherwise provided by law. <br />?014-201 5 1STA Grant Aorceni nt page 3 of 5 <br />
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