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C(?4 <br />Chairman Hayes opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and <br />• time. <br />The following spoke in favor of the incentive project: <br />1. Mr. Bob Heuts (on behalf of EDC and the citizens of Lee County) <br />No one present spoke in opposition to the economic development project. <br />Chairman Hayes closed the public hearing. <br />The Board agreed to move discussion of the economic development project from New <br />Business at this time. Commissioner Reives asked that EDC track the number of Lee County <br />employees for this project and make an effort to follow through at the end of the year on all <br />projects. Mr. Reives further stated "this is a new year and we need to work with EDC and track <br />more information from businesses". Commissioner Shook stated she did not see this as an <br />economic development project. After further discussion, Chairman Hayes moved to approve <br />the economic development incentive agreement be1uveen the Lee County Economic <br />Development Corporation and Parkdale America, a cop of which is attached to these minutes <br />and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a v • te, the~ults were as follows: <br />01 <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Pasc al, and Reives <br />Nay: Shook <br />• The Chairman ruled the motion~haAbee adopted by a six to one vote. <br />County Manager John Crumpton • resented to the Board an update on the Brookhaven <br />community project. At the i 7, De- 009 meeting, representatives from the Brookhaven <br />community appeared before th BIs rd and addressed issues concerning sewer, streets in <br />need of repair and repaving, utility that should be buried, lots and homes in need of being <br />cleaned up and maintained, clean-up of pond area, and removal of large trash items, and <br />community clean-up of debris. Mr. Crumpton stated that county staff had been tasked to work <br />on issues which included a septic tank survey and illegal dumping issues at five locations <br />within the community. Community Development is also working on some issues, with the <br />street issues being addressed separately. Mr. Crumpton stated another update would be <br />given to the Board in February 2010. Commissioner Reives stated he would like discussion <br />with the City of Sanford for possible extension of sewer lines to the area. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered Tax Releases and Refunds for November 2009 that had been <br />pulled from the Consent Agenda earlier in the meeting. Tax Administrator Dwane Brinson <br />answered questions of the Board. After discussion, Commissioner Kelly moved to approve <br />Tax Releases and Refunds for November 2009, a copy of which is attached to these minutes <br />and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />• Nay: None <br />3 <br />