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• <br />• <br />0 <br />2009-1201 <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners and Planning Board <br />Public Hearing Information <br />Application #2009-1201 to Amend the Lee County Zoning Map <br />Public Hearing Date: December 7, 2009 <br />APPLICANT & OWNER: Barry Wilson <br />REQUEST: Rezone from Residential Agricultural District to Highway Commercial District <br />LOCATION: Northwest corner of Center Church Road and Henley Road <br />TOWNSHIP: Pocket <br />TAX PARCEL NO.: 9631-13-9766 <br />ADJACENT ZONING: North: Residential Agricultural <br />South: Residential Agricultural <br />East: Highway Commercial Conditional Use <br />West Residential Agricultural <br />Site and Area Description <br />The subject property is located north of Center Church Road SR 1303 and west of Henley Road SR 1305. <br />It is a corner lot with 244.20 feet of frontage on Center Church Road and 300 +feet of frontage on Henley <br />Road. The lot is 1.33± acres in size and is the same property shown as Lot 2 on a minor subdivision plat <br />for Cline & McNeill, recorded in Plat Cabinet 10, Slide 11, Lee County Registry of Deeds. <br />Utilities <br />The site has access to public water by means of a 6-inch main in the right-of-way of Center Church Road <br />and an 8-inch main in the right-of-way of Henley Road. The property will be served by a private on-site <br />sewerage system. <br />Existing Zoning and Land Uses <br />Properties adjoining to the north, south and west are zoned residential agricultural. The property to the <br />cast and being east of Henley Road is a vacant 33± acre tract zoned Highway Commercial Conditional Use <br />district for an off-premise sign for Big Bloomers Flower Farm. Land uses adjacent to the subject property <br />include single-family homes to the north, west and south. Other land uses in the area includes Tramway <br />School which is approximately 200 feet east of the subject property and is zoned Office & Institutional. <br />Tramway Shopping Center is located approximately '/z mile east of the site and is zoned C-2 General <br />Commercial District. Carolina Women Fitness Center is approximately 1/2 mile west of the site and is <br />zoned Highway Commercial Conditional Use district. <br />Staff Analysis <br />The petitioned lot is currently vacant. The lot was previously a portion of the Florence Johnson Estate <br />property located at 568 Center Church Road. In 2002, the property was subdivided into two lots. <br />The applicant is requesting to rezone to Highway Commercial district. If rezoned, all the uses permitted in <br />the Highway Commercial zoning district will be allowed on the property. (HC Permitted Use List <br />attached). Additionally, the Boards may not place conditions upon the request. <br />