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BK:00027 PG -0434 <br />Dr. Bryan also asked Commissioners for support for additional intervention personnel that would <br />assist students struggling with reading, writing and math. Currently Deep River Elementary is serving <br />36 students in this intervention program that targeted the lowest -achieving reading students from the <br />second through fourth grades. Most of the children in the program are from families that lack family or <br />community support. The students feel they can come to the class and feel safe and secure. <br />Dr. Bryan stated maintenance of their facilities is the number one capital expense concern. <br />With no further budget matters to be discussed with the Board of Education, this part of the <br />meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m. <br />The next order of business was discussion of budget issues with the Central Carolina <br />Community College Board of Trustees. A quorum was not present from the College, therefore they <br />could not call their Board to order. <br />Mr. Julian Philpott, Chairman of the CCCC Board of Trustees stated Central Carolina <br />Community College had experienced a lot of growth over the past few years; they are now rated the Stn <br />largest community college in the State of North Carolina. <br />President Dr. Bud Marchant discussed budget concerns for the College. One increase they are <br />requested is to their janitorial services which was previously contracted to a private company. Due to <br />problems and issues they hired their own janitorial full-time staff last fall to handle janitorial services. <br />An additional $20,015.79 is needed in the upcoming budget to cover these six additional staff positions. <br />The proposed $2.7 million relocation project of Kelly Drive, by DOT, was discussed. It was <br />noted the CCCC Board of Trustees recently passed a Resolution to be presented to DOT for the road <br />relocation project. <br />Dr. Marchant shared proposed plans for the recent bond issue items which include an addition <br />to the Vet Tech building, Civic Center renovations, new Health Science Building, and additions to the <br />Emergency Services Facility. At this time there are no plans for renovations to the Steele Street <br />incubator location. <br />Dr. Marchant stated House Bill 97 was now in the Senate asking for a 2% pay increase for <br />Community College faculty and staff. Commissioner Sloan moved to approve a Resolution of support <br />for a pay increase for Community College faculty and staff. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time the meeting with the CCCC Board of Trustees adjourned. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated at this time the Board of Commissioners allocates funds <br />to the Board of Education by purpose and function. He further stated the School Board has not <br />requested any additional funds from Commissioners since the allocation was put in place a few years <br />ago. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved for the Board of Commissioners to not allocate <br />Board of Education funds by purpose and function at this time. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />