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BK:00027 PG -0433 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT BUDGET WORK SESSION BETWEEN <br />THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, <br />AND <br />CENTRAL CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES <br />MAY 26, 2015 <br />The joint meeting between the Lee County Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State <br />of North Carolina, the Lee County Board of Education, and the Central Carolina Community College <br />Board of Trustees, convened at 5:30 p.m. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, First Floor, Lee <br />County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners <br />present when the meeting was called to order was Amy M. Dalrymple, Dr. Ricky D. Frazier, Larry "Doc <br />Oldham, Timothy S. Sloan, and Kirk D. Smith. Commissioner Robert T. Reives arrived at 5:35 p.m. <br />and Commissioner Dr. Andre Knecht arrived at 5:40 p.m. Staff in attendance included County Manager <br />John Crumpton, Assistant County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter, and Clerk to the Board <br />Gaynell Lee. <br />Chair Dalrymple called the meeting to order for the Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Frazier delivered the invocation. <br />The pledge of allegiance was recited. <br />The Board of Education had a quorum present so their meeting was called to order at this time. <br />Superintendent Dr. Andy Bryan gave an overview of the school system vision which is "want all <br />children to graduate with more than a high school diploma". Their budget priorities and budget process <br />was discussed. It was stated their main concern is to keep quality teachers in the classroom; therefore, <br />they are asking the Board of Commissioners to increase teacher local supplement from 7% to 10% <br />over a 3 -year period. <br />Two students participating in the AVID Program (Advancement Via Individual Determination) — <br />which is to help prepare students for success in high school, college and beyond - discussed the <br />program and what it has meant to them throughout their high school years. It was stated there is <br />approximately 750 students currently participating in this program and they would like to offer the <br />program to more students and more grades beginning next year. It was stated the AVID program has <br />been in place at the middle and high schools throughout Lee County for the past several years. <br />Broadway Elementary piloted the program at the fourth and fifth grade level at their school in the <br />current year. Dr. Bryan stated the board hoped to hire additional teachers for the program and <br />implement the program at every school in the district; therefore, the BOE is asking for support of <br />additional staff for the AVID program. <br />