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BK:00027 PG:0399 <br />The Board considered Budget Amendment # 05/18/15/15 which appropriated funds for the <br />following departments: <br />Other — appropriate insurance refunds and fund balance for the San -Lee Nature <br />Center Project. <br />Druq Seizure Funds — budget $3,300 received from State Drug Seizure Funds <br />to cover travel expenses for a narcotics conference. <br />Commissioner Frazier moved to approve Budget Amendment #05/18/15/15, a copy of which is <br />attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, and Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Smith <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a Project Budget Ordinance for the San -Lee Park Nature Center that was <br />destroyed by fire in November 2014. Finance Director Lisa Minter presented said Budget Ordinance <br />that establishes a project fund for the Project. In February 2015, the Board of Commissioners <br />approved moving ahead with the demolition of the old Nature Center and building a new Center in a <br />different location within the Park. The Budget Ordinance presented establishes a project Ordinance to <br />move ahead with the project by using insurance proceeds, as well as fund balance to pay for the <br />project. After discussion, Commissioner Frazier moved to approve the Budget Project Ordinance for <br />the San -Lee Park Nature Center, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by this reference <br />made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, and Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Smith <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time, County Manager John Crumpton presented his FY 2015-16 recommended budget. <br />Per North Carolina Budget and Fiscal Control Act, the County Manager (Budget Officer) is required to <br />submit the recommended budget to Commissioners prior to June 1St of each year. A power point <br />presentation was given outlining such items as budget constraints, budget goals, total recommended <br />budget, recent budget history, position request summary, general fund summary, projected revenues, <br />property tax base, sales tax revenues, fund balance summary, proposed property tax rate increase, <br />proposed property tax rate increase overview, and budget requests from Board of Education and <br />Central Carolina Community College. <br />County Manager John Crumpton presented the FY 2016-2020 Recommended Capital <br />Improvements Program (C/P). <br />Commissioner Smith arrived at 5:36, after the CIP presentation. <br />Commissioner Frazier moved to hold a public hearing on the proposed FY 2015-16 Budget and <br />FY 2016-2020 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) at 6 p.m., Monday, June 1, 2015. After <br />discussion, the results were as follows: <br />4 <br />