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soe. 2 ' io _i <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />HONORING 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE <br />BOY SCOUT'S OF AMERICA <br />WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America celebrates the 100`h Anniversary of its formation on <br />February 8, 2010; and <br />WHEREAS, throughout its history, the Boy Scouts of America has provided training to youth <br />in leadership development, service to others, and civic responsibility; and <br />WHEREAS, numerous youth in our county have participated in the scouting program though <br />the years, becoming accomplished leaders both past and present; and <br />WHEREAS, Boy Scouts have performed a variety of valuable service projects throughout our <br />county and community; and <br />WHEREAS, a National study has shown that youth who participate in Boy Scouts five or more <br />years have <br />• Improved performance in reading, science, math and physical fitness; <br />• Higher percentage of attendance to colleges and universities; <br />• Obtain higher paying jobs; <br />• Better ethical decision making; and <br />• Higher attendance at religious services with their families; and <br />WHEREAS, the National study has also shown that adults who were in Boy Scouts as a youth <br />have <br />• Stated that Scouting had a positive influence on their lives as a youth and adult; <br />• Learned positive character traits such as being a good team player, always being <br />honest, taking better care of the environment, respecting life and property of <br />others; having pride in their country, respecting the elderly and having confidence <br />in their abilities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lee County Board of Commissioners does <br />hereby declare February 8, 2010 as "Boy Scouts of America Day". <br />Adopted this 1s` day of February 2010. <br />Richard B. Hayes, Ch irr n <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />