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ORDINANCE - Rezoned 7273 Lemon Springs Rd - 7-21-14
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ORDINANCE - Rezoned 7273 Lemon Springs Rd - 7-21-14
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RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING BOARD <br />FOR A CHANGE TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF LEE COUNTY <br />APPLICATION 2014-0601 <br />The Planning Board by a unanimous vote recommend the Board of Commissioners approve Application <br />#2014-0601 submitted by Connie & Judy Deal and the Laws Family Trust to rezone 3 tracts of land <br />totaling 3.125 -acres and located at 7273 Lemon Springs Road from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) <br />district to Highway Commercial (HQ district. <br />LAND USE INFORMATION PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING <br />Site and Area Description <br />The subject property is located at the intersection of Lemon Springs Road and Greenwood Road. It was <br />previously one tract of land comprised of 3.125+ -acres. In December 2013, the tract was divided into 3 <br />lots (Lots A, B and C on survey recorded in Plat Cabinet 2013, Slide 147). An existing single-family <br />dwelling and accessory buildings are located on Lot A. Lot B and Lot C are vacant. The property was <br />formerly owned by Mr. C.M. Laws and is currently owned by the Laws Family Trust. Mr. & Mrs. <br />Connie Deal were deeded Lot B in December 2013. <br />Uses in the area include residential and commercial. The adjacent property to the north is residentially <br />zoned and is the site of Lemon Springs United Methodist Church. Property adjoining to the east is <br />residentially zoned and is the site of the Lemon Springs Volunteer Fire Department. The property located <br />south and being south of Greenwood Road is zoned Office and Institutional and Neighborhood <br />Commercial and is the site of Greenwood Elementary School and the Fast Stop Convenience Store and <br />Grill. Properties to the west and being west of Lemon Springs Road include residential and commercial <br />zoned properties and include a single-family dwelling and the Lemon Springs Post Office. <br />Staff Analysis <br />The petitioned lot is located in the Lemon Springs Community. The area of the subject property is <br />developed with a small concentration of commercial uses that consists of a Convenience Store w/gas, a <br />grill, post office, mini -storage warehouses and Greenwood Elementary School. The applicant's family <br />developed the majority of the commercial properties and they still own several properties in the area. <br />The current zoning district of Neighborhood Commercial (NC) is established to provide small areas for <br />office and professional services combined with shop front retail uses, shops for artisans and craftsmen, all <br />designed in scale with surrounding residential uses. This district provides a balance of residential and <br />non-residential land use opportunities reflecting the economic needs of residents and business owners. <br />Location of NC districts should include lots, parcels or tracts located at the intersections of collector <br />streets, including collector to collector and minor thoroughfare to collector. <br />The proposed Highway Commercial (HC) district is established to accommodate uses that depend upon a <br />large flow of traffic and convenient access, such as retailing of durable goods, the provision of <br />commercial services to industrial areas, and the provision of services to tourists. The HC district is <br />generally located adjacent to major thoroughfares. <br />Utilities: Public water and a private on-site septic system will serve the site when developed. <br />Emergency Response: The subject property is located in the Lemon Springs Fire District. <br />Transportation: The 2011 Traffic Study reports 4,300 vehicle trips per day on Greenwood Road and the <br />2012 Traffic Study reports 2,300 vehicle trips per day on Lemon Springs Road near Greenwood Road. <br />
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