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Section 4. That Article 4, Table 4.6-1 PERMITTED USE MATRIX be amended for the land use <br />category Day Care Facility, Adult and be rewritten as follows: <br />•y V V <br />r d � � � ti r :0 � � .R o c i � � a <br />g 3 <br />M �r'1.. •fry ei V �I Qi <br />tv <br />obi obi �� •O V i o� �C 'r <br />Lty v V t <br />V U 4' <br />Section 5. That Article 5. Supplemental Development regulations be rewritten as follows to <br />create a new Section 5.38 for Adult Day Care Facilities: <br />5.38.1 APPLICABILITY <br /> This section applies to Adult Day Care Facilities as set forth in Table 4.6-1 Permitted <br />Use Matrix of this Ordinance. Such establishments are referred to collectively as "Adult Day <br />Care ", "Adult Day Care Centers" or "Adult Day Care Programs ". <br /> Adult Day Care facilities shall not be required to conform to any other design <br />standards of the UDO unless noted below. <br /> Adult Day Care means the provision of group care and supervision in a place other <br />than the usual place of abode on a less than 24-hour basis to adults who may be physically or <br />mentally disabled. Adult day care facilities are intended for the care of adults eighteen (18) <br />years old or older. (Source: NCGS § 131D-6) The following programs are exempted from the <br />provision of G. S. § 131D-6: and this Section. <br />• Those that care for three people or less; <br />• Those that care for two or more persons, all of who are related by blood or marriage to <br />the operator of the facility; <br />• Those that are required by other statutes to be licensed by the Department of Health and <br />Human Services. <br />5.38.2 LOCATION <br /> Adult Day Care Facilities may be permitted in all residential districts as a Special <br />Use subject to design standards as set forth in this section and provided a Special <br />