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ORDINANCE - Site Design Standards - 5-4-15
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ORDINANCE - Site Design Standards - 5-4-15
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• The preponderance of existing structures adjoining the thoroughfare or freeway in the <br />vicinity of the proposed development include the same alternative exterior <br />material/design as requested for the new construction; and <br />• The requested alternative material does not consist of concrete block, smooth -faced <br />tilt -up concrete panels or pre -fabricated steel panels. <br /> EXTERIOR BUILDING COLORS. Facade colors shall consist of low reflectance, <br />subtle, neutral or Earth Tone colors. Bright colors shall be limited to use as accent elements, <br />such as door and window frames and architectural details. Use of neon tubing and/or <br />fluorescent colors is prohibited. <br /> ENTRYWAY. If an entrance to a principal building is visible from a corridor street, <br />such entrances shall feature at least one of the following design elements: canopies or <br />porticos, arcades, arches, or wing walls. <br /> MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. To the greatest extent possible, mechanical <br />appurtenances and equipment should be located within the structure. External mechanical <br />appurtenances, such as heating and air conditioning equipment, shall be screened from view <br />from the adjoining thoroughfare or freeway. Screening materials shall be finished to match <br />the colors of the adjacent building exterior. <br /> ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. To the greatest extent possible, all accessory <br />structures shall conform to the building design standards of this § 10.7.3. Accessory <br />structures that are to be placed on sites with existing structures that do not conform to the <br />standards within this § 10.7.3 may be designed to conform to the appearance of the existing <br />principal building(s). <br />Section 2. That Article 10, Site Design Standards, be amended to add a new Section 10.8 <br />Design Standards for Industrial Development Along Thoroughfares and Freeways, as follows: <br />10.8.1 PURPOSE. <br />The purpose of this Section 10.8 is to provide a regulatory tool that will assist in ensuring that <br />future industrial development and/or redevelopment that may occur along the Town of <br />Broadway, City of Sanford and Lee County's thoroughfares maintains a minimum level of <br />quality in design. The standards as found within this Section require specific design elements <br />that promote a consistent, attractive appearance along our most visible travel corridors. The <br />standards as found within this § 10.8 are supplemental and intended to compliment other <br />design standard as found within this UDO. <br />
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