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003 <br />• Lottery Proceeds, and <br />• School Funding (legal issues) <br />Mr. Crumpton discussed the Coal Ash Management Act and how local control of this <br />matter was taken away from the County when legislation approved the Act. <br />It was also referenced that some of the DOT Lee County road projects have been <br />pushed back and will be years before they are completed. <br />The Retreat recessed at 8:30 p.m. until Saturday, April 18, 2015, at 10 a.m. <br />On Saturday morning, April 18, 2015, Chair Dalrymple called the recessed Retreat to <br />order at 10 a.m. Commissioners attending included Amy M. Dalrymple, Dr. Andre Knecht, <br />Larry "Doc" Oldham, Timothy S. Sloan, and Kirk D. Smith. Commissioner Robert T. Reives <br />arrived at 10:15 a.m., and Commissioner Dr. Ricky D. Frazier was unable to attend the event. <br />Staff members in attendance included County Manager John A. Crumpton, County Attorney <br />Kerry Schmid, and Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee. <br />Commissioner Smith delivered the invocation. <br />The Board discussed transparency and communication among Board members. <br />Commissioner Reives arrived during the above discussion (10:15 a.m.). <br />The Board discussed the current Environmental Review & Advisory Committee (ERAC) <br />and the new joint Environmental Affairs Board (with the City) that will go into effect on May 1 sc <br />County Manager John Crumpton will get with Community Development Director Marshall <br />Downey and set a time for the two boards to meet to re- organize and elect officers for the <br />upcoming year. <br />At this time, County Manager John Crumpton discussed upcoming budget issues with <br />the Board. <br />The Board agreed to hold a budget work session on June 8, 2015, in the Gordon Wicker <br />Conference Room at the Lee County Government Center from 6 — 9 p.m. <br />The Board discussed that was completed in September 2013. It was agreed that the <br />Board of Commissioners needed an updated report from the Sanford Area Growth Alliance <br />(SAGA) on their plans and upcoming activities. <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Sloan moved to <br />adjourn the Retreat. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Frazier <br />