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oo5 <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a meeting time for the July <br />Smith stated the third Young Commissioner's Program will <br />Board normally only holds one meeting during the month <br />holding that meeting on Monday, July 13t which would a <br />meeting. After discussion, Commissioner Sloan moved to <br />July 13t at 4 p.m. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />taken. <br />Commissioner's meeting. Commissioner <br />take place July 6th — July 20th. Since the <br />of July, he asked the Board to consider <br />low the youth to participate in the Board <br />hold the one meeting in July on Monday, <br />The Monthly Financial Report for month ending February 2015 was p <br />County Manager John Crumpton presented his Monthly Report <br />is attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />No action was <br />15, a copy of which <br />is. taken. <br />Chair Dalrymple stated a Commissioners' Planning R would be held o e evening of <br />Friday, April 17th and one -half day on Saturday, April 18th. a in will follow nce an agenda <br />is finalized. / <br />Commissioner Sloan moved to go into Closed Session t6l suit with the attorney to protect the <br />attorney - client privilege per N.C. General Statute §143- 318.11(a) Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: / m <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knec m, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been a ted unanimously and the Board was in Closed <br />Session. Upon returning from Closed Session, with 1 members present, the regular meeting resumed. <br />Chair Dalrymple re a Re' tion Acceptin ' an Offer from Duke Energy for Coal Ash Storage <br />at the Colon Road Min e C ty that had been added to the Agenda at the beginning of the <br />meeting. Attorney Kerry Sc h ` / ce to the Board stating the Board had 3 options to deal <br />with the issue - (1) do nothing, ht fro" litigation standpoint, or (3) enter into an agreement with <br />Duke to have a contractual agree t. .Commissioner Smith asked how the City of Sanford entered <br />into this agree a they run t ater system. He continued to state that he felt the citizens on <br />Colon Roa oul onnected ' city water since their wells may not be good in the future. <br />Commis ' er Oldham stated the County should look out for those individuals on Colon Road by <br />assistin water hoo s. Chair Dalrymple outlined a meeting held on March 12th between 3 <br />Commission nd 3 D e Energy representatives in which Duke Energy gave several different <br />outlines of how see agreement with us. Chair Dalrymple outlined some of the items discussed <br />during the March eting as referenced above which are as follows: <br />1. Safety is a main issue for the County — some of the permits obtained by Charah <br />will be amended, <br />2. Agreed that no coal ash from outside North Caroline will be brought into Lee County, <br />3. Duke wants to re- establish trust with Lee County and will take on full responsibility, <br />4. Charah's protocol for testing will be monitored and given to Lee County to look at <br />to see if it is strict enough and allow us to amend before any coal ash is transported <br />into the County, <br />5. Lee County is to create a list of things on how we can keep the community as safe <br />as possible from a health standpoint and environment issues, <br />!8 <br />