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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT MEETING OF THE <br />INTERLOCAL SUB - COMMITTEE <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE AND CITY OF SANFORD <br />JANUARY 28, 2015 <br />The joint sub - committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other items of interest <br />between the County of Lee and the City of Sanford met at 11:30 a.m., January 28, 2015, in the COLTS <br />Conference Room, 112 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioner appointed <br />members present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Dr. Ricky D. Frazier, and Timothy S. Sloan. County staff in <br />attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Assistant County Manager /Finance Director Lisa <br />Minter, County Attorney Kerry Schmid, MPA Management Fellow Michael James, and Clerk to the <br />Board Gaynell Lee. <br />Chair Dalrymple called the joint sub - committee meeting to order and the following items were <br />discussed: <br />Bond and Sidewalk Easement Acquisition - Mayor Mann thanked the Board of Commissioners <br />for easements recently approved for the sidewalk project on Bragg Street, Nash Street, and Horner <br />Blvd (at the Lee County Arts Center). Bids will be going out in March with an anticipated completion <br />date for the end of summer. The Board of Education will consider the Nash Street easement at their <br />next meeting. Maps and a power -point of the project will be provided to be shared with the full Board. <br />Buggy Factory - It was agreed that both Board's (County and City) would like a quarterly report <br />on the project from Progressive Contractors. Projected completion date of the project is December 1St <br />It was agreed that an Interlocal Agreement between the County and City might be needed for document <br />scanning when all departments relocate to the Buggy Factory. <br />Environmental Affairs Board - The Committee discussed consolidation of the Environmental <br />Review and Advisory Board (ERAC) and the Sanford Environmental Affairs Board. The Board of <br />Commissioners dissolved the City- County Environmental Affairs Board in March 2013 and adopted a <br />Resolution creating the ERAC Board. It was felt by Committee members that there is a duplication of <br />services with the two separate boards and it would be best if they were combined. The County and City <br />attorneys were asked to have a Resolution in place to consolidate the two boards for the first meeting in <br />March. <br />O.T. Sloan Park Project - Mayor Mann outlined the upcoming January 30th workshop to discuss <br />the multi -sports complex feasibility study. The workshop will consist of consultants from Brailsford & <br />Dunlavey, members from the Sanford City Council, Board of Commissioners, Friends of the Park, Town <br />of Broadway staff, and other select individuals /groups. <br />Purchase of Colon Road Lift Station — The City would like to set a closing date for the purchase <br />of the Colon Road Lift Station in order to finalize the sale. The City will make two (2) payments to the <br />