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PUBLIC NOTICE <br />CITY OF SANFORD, THE <br />TOWN OF BROADWAY AND <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Notice is hereby given that <br />the City of Sanford, the <br />Town of Broadway and Lee <br />County will each conduct a <br />public hearing regarding po- <br />tential amendments to the <br />jointly adopted Unified De- <br />velopment Ordinance <br />(UDO). The public hearings <br />will be conducted for con- <br />sideration of the following <br />amendments: <br />1. Amendments to Article <br />10 Site Design Starrlands, to <br />revise Section 10.7 title to <br />read "10.7 Design Stand- <br />ards for Commercial Dsvel- <br />opment along Thorough- <br />fares and Fresr!a'W and <br />revise the standards <br />throughout the section to <br />apply to commerclsl owel <br />opment and land uses along <br />thoroughfares and free- <br />ways, and to add a new sec- <br />tion, "Section 10.0 Design <br />Standards for Industrial De- <br />velopment along Thorough- <br />fares and Freeways ", and <br />add standards for Industrial <br />development and land uses <br />along thoroughfares and <br />freeways. <br />2. Amendment to Article <br />8, Subsection 8.2.6 Paving <br />Required (, to add a <br />new Item (c) to allow the <br />parking for all.uses In the <br />land use subheading Indus- <br />trial and Manufacturing <br />Uses and the Wholesale <br />trade use in the land use <br />subheading General Sales <br />or Service to construct and <br />maintain a gravel surface If <br />the required parking is loc- <br />ated In the Side'lard or <br />Rear Yard of setts. <br />3. Amendments to Article <br />6.7 Street Design Standards, <br />to revise Section &7.16 <br />Curb and Gutter, to require <br />that ALL new aliigle hilly <br />residential subdivisions <br />provide curb and gutter, and <br />to revise Section 6.7.3 Side- <br />walks to require that ALL <br />new single-family resider- <br />teal subdivisions provide <br />pedestrian sidewalks along <br />one side of a new public <br />street, except residential <br />subdivisions In the unincor- <br />porated area of Lee County <br />that Include a minimum lot <br />size of 30,000 square feet or <br />greater. <br />4. A mendment to Article 4, <br />Section 4.12 Historic Preser- <br />vation Overlay District, to <br />rename Section 4.127 to <br />"Section 4.12.7 Off -Street <br />Parking ", and to add now <br />standards for Off -Street <br />Parking Requirements in the <br />Rosemount McIver Park His- <br />tork: District. <br />Each of the jurisdictions will <br />conduct a public hearing on <br />the amendments as de- <br />scribed above. The follow - <br />Ing are the specific detalls <br />for each of the hearings. <br />City of Sanford — The City <br />Council and Planning Board <br />for the City of Sanford will <br />hold joint public hearings <br />on Tuesday, February 17, <br />2015 in the Council Cham- <br />bers of the Sanford Municip- <br />al Building, 225 East. Weath- <br />erapoon Street, Sanford, <br />N.C. The hearings will be- <br />gin at 7:00 p.m. or soon <br />thereafter as deemed prac- <br />tical by the City Council. <br />Upon request and with 24 <br />hour notice, the City will <br />provide an Interpreter for <br />the hearing Impaired or any <br />other type of auxiliary ald- <br />By Bonnie Davis, Clark <br />City of Simord` <br />f- <br />r <br />Town of Broadway — The <br />Town of Broadway Board of <br />Commissioners. and Plan -' <br />ning Board will hold joint <br />public hearings on Monday, <br />February 23, 2015 at 7:00 <br />p.m. at the Town of Broad- <br />way Lions Club Building, . <br />100 East Ls" Drive, Broad- <br />way, NC. Upon request and <br />with 24 -hour notice, tiie <br />Town will provide an nter- <br />preter for the hearing Im- <br />paired or any other type of <br />auxiliary aid. <br />Laura Duval, Clerk <br />Broadway Town Board . <br />Lee County - Notice Is <br />hereby given that the Lee <br />County Board of Commis - <br />sloners and the Lee County <br />Planning Board will hold <br />joint public hearings on <br />Monday, February 16, 2015 <br />In the Commissioners' <br />Board Room at the. Lee <br />County Government Center, <br />106. Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, <br />NC. The hearings will begin <br />at 6:00 p.m., or as spon <br />thereafter as deemed Y ilraP- <br />tical by the Board. Upon re- <br />quest and with 24 -hour no- <br />ties, the County will provide <br />an interpreter for the hear - <br />Ing Impaired or any other <br />needed type of auxiliary aid. <br />By Gayneli M. Lae, CNric <br />Lee County Board of Com- <br />-G� - / S 33 <br />