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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION OPPOSING NATURAL GAS EXTRACTION AND THE NORTH CAROLINA <br />MINING AND ENERGY COMMISSION'S DRAFT RULES <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly directed the Mining and Energy Commission to <br />draft rules ("the draft rules") concerning the extraction of natural gas in this State; and, <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly, in its current legislative session, will be <br />considering whether to approve such draft rules as proposed by the Mining and Energy <br />Commission; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners feels that the draft rules do not adequately <br />protect our environment, our County, or our State; and, <br />WHEREAS, in addition to the effects on the environment, neither legislation nor the draft rules <br />provide any compensation to Lee County, or any other county affected by hydraulic fracturing, <br />for the impact of natural gas extraction on both the local economy and infrastructure. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners oppose the <br />extraction of natural gas in Lee County and in North Carolina for the following reasons: <br />1) The draft rules do not adequately protect the environment of our State and do not <br />promote the welfare of the citizens of Lee County or of the State of North Carolina. <br />2) The legislation and draft rules remove all local authority with respect to the extraction <br />of natural gas and fail to provide local governments with compensation, either direct or <br />indirect, for the impact of the extraction on local economies and infrastructure. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners asks its local delegation <br />to oppose the rules drafted by the Mining and Energy Commission in order to preserve the <br />safety and welfare of the citizens of Lee County and the State of North Carolina. The Clerk to <br />the Board of County Commissioners shall deliver copies of this resolution to the Honorable <br />Patrick McCrory, Governor of North Carolina, the Honorable Tim Moore, Speaker of the North <br />Carolina House of Representatives, the Honorable Phil Berger, President Pro Tempore of the <br />North Carolina Senate, the Honorable Brad Salmon, Lee County State House Representative and <br />the Honorable Ronald J. Rabin, Lee County State Senate Representative. In addition, copies of <br />this resolution are to be delivered to the Honorable Mayor Chet Man, the Sanford City Council, <br />the Honorable Mayor Donald Andrews and the Town Council of Broadway. <br />