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venerai atatute Page 2 of 2 <br />_11 <br />The Juvenile Community Programs state office provides overall program planning and management <br />to assure uniform service standards, coordinates and provides training and consultation for local staff, <br />collects data, responds to legislators' and other requests for information or recommendations, and <br />develops policies and procedures for the Division. The Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile <br />Justice, through the Juvenile Community Programs section, manages aid to county funds allocated <br />from the North Carolina General Assembly for county government development and continuation of <br />local juvenile justice programs as planned and recommended by the Juvenile Crime Prevention <br />Councils. <br />htt : / /ww 2 .cfin ?a= 000003 ,002476,002483,002482,002505 3/19/2014 <br />