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BK:00027 PG - 0175 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION APPOINTING PAMELA G. BRITT <br />AS LEE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS <br />WHEREAS, Mollie McInnis retired from her elected position as Lee County Register of <br />Deeds on December 1, 2014 after 37 years in service to the County; and, <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes §§ 161 -5(aI) states that "when a vacancy <br />occurs ... in the office of register of deeds, the board of county commissioners shall fill such <br />vacancy by the appointment of a successor for the unexpired term, who shall qualify and give <br />bond as required by law;" and, <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes §§ 161 -5(al) further states that "[i]f the <br />register of deeds was elected as the nominee of a political party, the board of county <br />commissioners shall consult the county executive committee of that political party before filling <br />the vacancy and shall appoint the person recommended by that committee, if the party makes a <br />recommendation within 30 days of the occurrence of the vacancy;" and, <br />WHEREAS, the executive committee of the Lee County Democratic party has <br />recommended that Pamela G. Britt be appointed Lee County Register of Deeds to fulfill the <br />remainder of Ms. Mchmis's unexpired term. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />that Pamela G. Britt is hereby appointed Lee County Register of Deeds for the remainder of Ms. <br />McInnis's unexpired term at a salary of $55,000. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Lee County shall post the requisite bond for Ms. <br />Britt as required by law. <br />Dated this the 15 day of December, 2014 <br />Amy M. 15alrymple, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />ATTEST: <br />Cli o- e - 11M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />