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BK - 00027 PG <br />those sites must be closed by August 1, 2019. It was stated that during the initial phase of work, the <br />company plans to move approximately 5.1 million tons of ash from the four sites, approximately 30 <br />percent of the total ash stored within 12 — 18 months following approvals and permits from DENR. <br />The ash will be placed in the open clay pits with three layers of liners between the coal ash and the clay <br />using the "best quality materials in the industry." It was noted the sites are subject to strict groundwater <br />monitoring standards set by state regulations. <br />At this time the Board took a 5- minute recess. Upon returning from recess, with all members <br />present, the regular meeting resumed. <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Lee County Rest Home - Nursing Home Advisory <br />Board. Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee presented two applications for consideration for the vacant - <br />alternate position on said Board. Commissioner Reives moved to appoint both applicants, Ms. Shirley <br />Swann and Mr. Jeremy McClain to the Lee County Rest Home - Nursing Home Advisory Board as <br />alternate members. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time the Board was presented a power point presentation from Finance Director Lisa <br />Minter in reference to the County's finances for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Ms. Erica Brown <br />from Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs was present and answered questions from the Board. Ms. <br />Hodges complemented Lee County on receiving a clean opinion which means there were no areas of <br />concern found during the audit. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered a Proclamation for Farm -City Week. 4 -H Director Bill Stone introduced <br />Michelle Sellars from the Barn Busters 4 -H Club who gave a presentation in reference to the 2014 <br />Farm -City week activities which will be observed the week of November 21 -27, 2014. The annual <br />Farm -City Banquet will be held Monday, November 24th and the Ladies Farm -City Luncheon is <br />scheduled for Wednesday, December 3rd. The local observance is co- sponsored by North Carolina <br />Cooperative Extension and the Kiwanis Club of Sanford. Commissioner Smith moved to approve a <br />Proclamation Proclaiming November 21 -27, 2014 as Farm -City Week, a copy of which is attached to <br />these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a request for a Digitalization Project that will allow the Environmental <br />Health Department to come on board with the Energov Electronic Permitting System, convert paper <br />documents to digital, and install equipment in vehicles for mobile technology implementation. IT <br />Director Kyle Edwards stated the Environmental Health Department still relies on paper documents for <br />their functions and daily processes. The proposed project will allow them to integrate with the City's <br />Energov software platform that will digitize their permitting and application processes. The proposal for <br />a partnership with Lee County Industries (LCI) would continue with LCI while allowing them to make <br />space available that is currently occupied by years of paper documents. This would also add a layer of <br />security to their critical records as the paper is the only copy available. Mr. Edwards stated the total <br />start-up of services is $45,417.06, $1,999.00 for Energov annual support and maintenance, and <br />4 <br />