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BK - 00027 PG:0101 <br />facility to be established in a residential district and in an existing residential structure. Staff <br />recommends definitions be added for "Adult Day Care Center, Adult Day Care Home, and Adult Day <br />Care Program" as defined in the state regulations. <br />Ms. Amy McNeill from the Sanford Community Development Department outlined the fifth and <br />final amendment to the jointly adopted Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to consider permitted <br />use matrix for "Solar Collector Facility ". Staff recommended that "Solar Collector Facility" be added as <br />a line item in Table 4.6 -1 PERMITTED USE MATRIX and be permitted as Special Use granted by the <br />Board of Adjustment for the appropriate jurisdiction with specific development standards in all zoning <br />districts, with the exception of the R -10, R -6 and CBD districts. <br />Chairman Parks opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time for <br />the above referenced amendments to the UDO. <br />No one present spoke for (in favor) of any of the above referenced LIDO amendments. <br />Mr. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford, spoke in opposition to the Solar Collector facility <br />matter. Mr. Clark stated the Solar Collector facilities need to be reviewed more thoroughly before <br />approval and that standards are not specific enough. <br />Chairman Parks closed the public hearing. <br />At this time Planning Board members and staff adjourned to the Gordon Wicker Conference <br />Room to further discuss the above amendments. A recommendation from the Planning Board will be <br />presented to Commissioners for consideration at the December 1st meeting. <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute §153A -52.1, Chairman Parks opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. Due to the number of individuals that had signed up to speak, Chairman Parks stated <br />Public Comments would only last for 30 minutes at 3 minutes per speaker. He apologized to those that <br />would not be able to make comments. The following were allowed to speak: <br />1. Mr. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford (SLCPP appointment) <br />2. Mr. Luke Cranford, 6305 Mockingbird Lane, Sanford (Coal Ash) <br />3. Ms. Donna Strickland, 1708 Woodridge Drive, Sanford (Coal Ash and Fracking) <br />4. Ms. Arlene Jackson, 5057 Cox Mill Road, Sanford (Coal Ash) <br />5. Ms. Johnsie Tipton, 797 Tarpy Lane, Sanford (Coal Ash) <br />6. Ms. Stacy McBryde, 1121 Post Office Road, Sanford (Coal Ash) <br />7. Ms. Lynda Turbeville, 1514 Briarcliffe Drive, Sanford (Coal Ash) <br />8. Ms. Jean Craven, no address given (Coal Ash) <br />9. Ms. April Montgomery, 1803 Wilkins Drive, Sanford (Solar Facility Taxation) <br />10. Ms. Debra Champion, 222 Healing Acres Lane, Carthage (Coal Ash) <br />At this time Ms. Indira Everett, Government & Community Relations Director for Chatham, <br />Durham, Lee and Orange Counties introduced Mike Hughes, Duke Energy Vice President of <br />Government & Community Relations, Jay Whitlock, Duke Energy Project Director and Scott Sewell, <br />Chief Operating Officer of Charha, Inc. who gave a presentation and answered questions on plans to <br />begin removing coal ash from the Asheville Steam Electric Plant, Dan River Station (Eden), Riverbend <br />Station (Mount Holly), and L.V. Sutton Steam Electric Plant (Wilmington) facilities to Lee County. This <br />is a major milestone in its plan to permanently close coal ash basins and safely store coal ash <br />generated from its North Carolina power plants. Plans and all permits must be approved by NC DENR <br />before any excavation work can begin. Under North Carolina's Coal Ash Management Act, all basins at <br />