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BK 00027 PG <br />Methodology <br />Identification of Target Populations (Demographics) & Spatial Concentrations of Targeted <br />Populations <br />The geographic basis for Title VI analysis is based on U.S. 2000 Census data. For purposes of <br />Title VI analysis, it is desirable to make the analysis on the smallest geographic unit available for <br />which information is obtainable for all relevant groups. <br />The County of Lee Transit System has identified seven relevant groups for Title VI analysis as <br />described below. <br />Low- income; <br />Federal Assistance Recipients; <br />Minority; <br />Elderly; <br />Low literacy/English proficiency or English spoken as a second language; <br />Disabled populations; and <br />Zero car households. <br />Following the identification of the relevant groups for analysis, the next step undertaken was to <br />identify the general distribution of each Title VI population group throughout the Lee County's <br />Area Transit System service region and then define where each group is most concentrated. <br />