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FDA & AFDO Retail Program Standards <br />BUDGET REQUESTS <br />Budget Item Grant Amt Requested <br />Hotel x 2 rooms $1,000.00 <br />Training /Conference Fee for both trainings $1,000.00 <br />Total Grant: $2,000.00 <br />Budget Narrative (1500 Max Characters): <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />These two trainings will provide the springboard to improving Lee County's efficiency while educating the local <br />foodservice industry and will aid in their conformance to existing policy within the FDA food code. This budget <br />will utilize county cars, so no mileage will be necessary for Savannah or Winston - Salem. I am not sure of the <br />training fees of the two trainings, so above is an estimate of the trainings for two staff. Also, the hotel would need <br />to be contacted after the approval for the exact rate considering government entities primarily receive a lower <br />rate. There will be a payment for meals the county will reimburse for. This is documented as part of our hotel <br />submittal due to continental breakfasts availability. <br />ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br />REPORTS DOCUMENTS <br />REQUEST DOCUMENTS <br />mhtml:file://C:\ Users \glee \AppData\Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \C... 11/7/2014 <br />