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BK:00026 PG:1042 <br />LEE <br />COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT INTERLOCAL SUB - COMMITTEE GOVERNMENT MEETING <br />OF THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE AND CITY OF SANFORD <br />October 8, 2014 <br />The joint sub - committee appointed to study interlocal agreements and other items of interest <br />between the County of Lee and the City of Sanford met at 10:00 a.m., October 8, 2014, in the <br />Conference Room at the Central Carolina Community College Telecommunications Center, 5910 Clyde <br />Rhyne Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioner appointed members present were <br />Amy M. Dalrymple and Kirk D. Smith. Commissioner James K. Womack was absent. County staff in <br />attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Assistant County Manager /Finance Director Lisa <br />Minter, County Attorney Kerry Schmid, Management Fellow Michael James, IT Director Kyle Edwards, <br />Emergency Services Director Shane Seagroves, and Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee. <br />County Manager John Crumpton began the meeting with an update on the OT Sloan Park <br />Project. Mr. Jonathan Shockey from the Sanford Area Soccer League (SASL) was present and <br />discussed the Soccer League that is currently located at the Lions Club Fairgrounds and inadequate <br />field situations. He stated the SASL is in favor of a new multi -sports project at OT Sloan Park and the <br />League is willing to increase their pledge from the current $5,000 request to $8,000 to assist with the <br />feasibility study. <br />City Manager Hal Hegwer stated two of his City Councilmen had concerns about the additional <br />funding needed for the study so the matter did not pass at their October 7th City Council meeting. Mr. <br />Hegwer stated he is trying to work out a time for the consulting firm to come and do a presentation to <br />the full City Council Board. Commissioners will be invited to attend the presentation if they so choose. <br />The transfer of the Colon Road Sewer Lift Station to the City was approved by the Board of <br />Commissioners (October 6th meeting) and City Council (October 7th meeting). City Manager Hal <br />Hegwer stated the City and County Attorney's will need to work together to complete a Bill of Sale for <br />the Lift Station. The City will make their first $400,000 payment to the County at the time the Bill of <br />Sale is completed and the second payment in July 2015. <br />The City will start working on water expansion of approximately $4 million from Central Fire <br />Station on Hawkins Avenue to the Industrial Park. <br />It was noted that the Strategic Services and IT departments are still working on the broadband <br />issue to the Industrial Park and are not ready to provide a report at this time. <br />Mr. Hegwer stated the round - about's on Hawkins Avenue (when completed) will be beautified <br />by the City to enhance appearance. <br />IT Director Kyle Edwards and Emergency Services Director Shane Seagroves presented a <br />report on what has been spent to date and future funding of the back -up E -911 Project to be located in <br />