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A-). 4- 1014 <br />unanimously adopted. <br />There was a discussion about the Workmen's Compensation <br />payment to. be made to'a volunteer ambulance service worker and a report <br />by the County Accountant to the effect that he was scheduled to receive the <br />maximum compensation permissible, this being the same provision made for <br />all other County employees,' no further action was taken. <br />There was a discussion about placement of the containers to be <br />used in the Sanitary Landfill operations. <br />The Board requested the County Attorney to have the Sheriff <br />publicize the fact that trucks with loose or blowing loads were violating the law. <br />The Sheriff was requested to secure the cooperation of all law enforcement <br />agencies to help stop the litering of the approaches to the Sanitary Landfill <br />site. <br />There was a discussion about the arrangements to be made with the <br />Town of Broadway concerning the use of the Landfill site, but no formal action <br />was taken. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper reported on the repairs to the <br />Ambulance vehicles and reported that emergency rental of a substitute vehicle <br />was necessary in order to continue service to the public. The action in making <br />such rental was ratified and approved by the Board. <br />The monthly bills were approved and payment authorized, upon <br />motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hal L. Hancock, and unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper moved that Mr. Robert Harris <br />receive his salary for the month ofD.e~cexo.beias severance pay. Commissioner <br />J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion. After discussion, a roll call vote was <br />held with the following results: <br />Aye: Cooper and Rogers <br />Nay: Hancock, F. Wicker and G. Wicker <br />The motion was defeated by a majority vote. <br />The Board next considered the holidays to be observed over the <br />Christmas Season, and it was Resolved to close the County Offices on Monday <br />and Tuesday, December 25 and 26, and Monday, January 1st. <br />The Chairman was authorized to provide for a suitable ceremony <br />for the, distribution of Christmas baskets to County Employees on Friday, <br />December 22nd, at 1:00 o'clock p. m. <br />It appearing to the Board that Mr. Charles Preslar was serving <br />a term on the Lee County Library Board which would expire December 30, 1975, <br />and that Mr. Preslar had tendered his resignation and had requested that it be <br />accepted. Upon motion of Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, seconded by <br />Coiyunissioner Hal L. Hancock, it was unanimously resolved to accept the <br />resignation of Mr. Charles L. Preslar and to appoint Mr.. Perry White to <br />serve for the unexpired term. <br />The Board next considered the vacancies on the Lee County Hospital <br />Board. It appearing that Mr. Harry S. Miller was not eligible for re-appointemnt <br />and Mrs. Leonard Ascough was eligible for appointment. The Board unanimously <br />appointed Mrs. Leonard'Ascough and Mr. E. M. Williams, as members of the Lee <br />