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1972 - 12-18-72 Regular Meeting
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1972 - 12-18-72 Regular Meeting
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1/13/2010 4:47:38 PM
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1/13/2010 4:45:32 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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6 pi5l <br />There was a discussion about the recommendations of <br />Mr. 0. W. Strickland of the State Department of Health. It was <br />pointed out that many sites will require more than one container <br />to adequately serve the area and that additional refuse containers <br />will need to be purchased. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved <br />that the Clerk be authorized to prepare to advertise for an <br />additional 30 four cubic yards refuse containers and one trailer <br />suitable to hold such containers. Commissioner William H. Cooper <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker brought to the attention <br />of the Board that Mr. Bill Martindale had worked on holidays and <br />extra time should be paid him. There was a general discussion <br />about whether additional compensation shoula be paid and if so, <br />at what rate. After consultation with the head of the Personnel <br />Committee, no action was taken on the matter at this time. <br />The applications received for the position of driver of <br />the refuse pick-up truck were referred to Commissioners Franklin <br />D. Wicker and Hal L. Hancock. <br />The Chairman called for a discussion about the present <br />policy of charges for the use of the county sanitary landfill. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that all municipalities, <br />collectors, who operate within this county, and other residents <br />of the county be allowed to use the landfill without charge. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion. In discussion <br />of the motion, Commissioner William H. Cooper stated that the <br />city had appropriated $37,000. for operation of a site and the <br />payment of the requested $10,000. of the county would still <br />leave the city with a $27,000. balance with this item. In addition <br />the city would have the benefit of the free sales tax because of <br />the action of the Board of Commissioners and likewise they would <br />receive revenue sharing funds from the federal government and for <br />these reasons he did not think the county's prior position <br />should be changed. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, speaking in <br />favor of the position, said the funds the county had previeusly <br />paid the city were to allow use of city people to leave refuse <br />at the dump. Commissioner Wicker stated he did not like the <br />distribution of the sales tax law nor did he like the changes <br />made in revenue sharing to favor citys at the expense of counties. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock said he thought the prior payments <br />made to the city were for services rendered and that should not <br />influence the present thinking of the Board as to future operations. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers stated that the reason he abstained <br />from the original vote to charge the city for the use of the land- <br />fill, was that he felt the residents of the city of Sanford would <br />be taxed for the operation of the county landfill and to charge <br />the city a fee would appear to be double taxation on such residents. <br />However, in view of the fact,the city had budgeted $37,000. for <br />this purpose and there was an emergency change in their operations, <br />that the charge"'for this year would have been alright, although <br />he would not have favored necessarily making services in later <br />years, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker said the original negotiations <br />contemplated a $5,000. allotment by the city and the money was <br />to be allocated for the purchase of equipment for the landfill and <br />that the charge of $10,000 was, in his opinion, reasonable. He <br />thought the money should be earmarked and used for such limited <br />. <br />purposes. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker stated that there was <br />great confusion in the mind of the people. He hoped the county's <br />taking over of this function would make people realize that no <br />city tax money goes for the schools even though one of the school <br />districts is known as the Sanford City Board of Education. Mr. <br />Wicker further stated that the county expects the city to reduce <br />its taxes since through the action of this Board it has acquired <br />funds from sales taxes, it has increased valuations through the <br />revaluationsprogram, it has increased valuations through the <br />adoption of a higher tax ratio, it has reduced expenditures since <br />the county has taken over'the recreation tax and the recreation <br />program and now the county has taken over landfill operations. <br />
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