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0 0 <br />BOOK 8 FAA93 <br />project, Commissioner Cooper moved that the County employ the engineering <br />firm of Boney & Newcomb, to investigate the matter and determine the feasibility <br />of such a sewer line and if such a line came within the sewer policy of the Board, <br />to have the firm prepare the necessary plans for such a project. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker presented specifications for <br />consideration for the purchase of an 11 yeard elevating scraper. Upon motion <br />of Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, <br />it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve said specifications and to authorize <br />advertisements for the bids for the purchase of said equipment for use at the <br />Sanitary Landfill. <br />The Board authorized the committee in charge of Sanitary Landfill <br />take applications for a third man to be employed at said site. <br />Commissioner Cooper moved that the ordinance regulating the <br />use of the Landfill be amended to increase the hours when the Landfill would <br />be opened to the public until 4:30 o'clock p. m, on Saturday. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />The Chairman presented to the Board a letter from the, State <br />Treasurer, Edwin Gill, to the Chairman of the House, Ways & Means Committee <br />of the Congress of the United States, opposing legislation which would repeal <br />the tax exempt privilege on State and local Government bonds. The Board <br />agreed with the position taken by the State Treasurer and authorized that <br />letters be sent in their name to the representative from this district advising <br />him of their support with the State Treasurer's position. <br />There being nothing further to come before the meeting, it <br />adjourned, sine die. <br />A <br />CLERK TO <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Prasanted for registration on tha.c2d* <br />of-)-;,I ..-d, 197? at a oo NF. <br />recorded In Book page <br />