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Z~i <br />BOOK 8 PAU1ss <br />WHEREAS, LOYD SMITH served the <br />people of Lee County as a deputy sheriff from June 13, <br />1940, through June 19, 1944, and from July 31, 1954 <br />through February 15, 1973; and <br />WHEREAS, he actively participated in the <br />life of his community by his service as a volunteer in the <br />Sanford Fire Department and his service as an officer and <br />member of the East Sanford Baptist Church; and <br />WHEREAS, LOYD SMITH, during his career <br />as a public servant set a high standard of conduct, evidencing <br />in his life loyalty, selflessness, devotion to duty and character <br />of the highest degree, and conducted himself in a manner to <br />reflect great credit upon the department he represented so <br />well; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of <br />Commissioners for Lee County, to honor the memory of <br />LOYD SMITH and express its sympathy to his family in his <br />death; <br />NOW THEREJTORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY: <br />Section 1. The Board of Commissioners <br />recognizes and expresses its appreciation for the public <br />service rendered by LOYD SMITH with full knowledge that <br />in his passing, the County of Lee has lost an able and devoted <br />public servant. <br />Section 2. That this resolution shall become a <br />part of the public records of this Board and that the Clerk shall <br />cause a certified copy of this resolution to be transmitted to <br />his widow. <br />Section 3. That this resolution shall become <br />effective upon its adoption. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker was <br />authorized to present a copy of the resolution to the family and to arrange <br />a suitable ceremony for such presentation. <br />The Board proceeded to open the bids received for the removal <br />of the house located at 1305 Elm Street. The only bid received was in the <br />amount of $100. 00 from Pauline Dorsett. The Board rejected the bid received <br />and directed and authorized Commissioner Cooper and Commissioner Franklin <br />D. Wicker to sell and dispose of the house and to report their actions to the <br />Board. <br />The Chairman reported to the Board that Sheriff D. F. Holder <br />had requested authority to employ Robert Cockman as Deputy Sheriff at a <br />beginning salary of $498. 00, per month. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, <br />a representative on the Personnel Board, reported that was the proper beginning <br />salary. Commissioner William H. Cooper moved that the request be granted <br />and the Sheriff be authorized to employ Mr. Cockman as Deputy Sheriff at a <br />beginning salary of $498. 00 per month. Commissioner Hancock seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />