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Boor 3 PAU205 <br />motion was unanimously adopted and it was designated that the funds for the <br />purchase come from the Revenue Sharing- Fund. The Board next considered <br />the bids for eight counsel chairs. Commissioner Cooper reported that he was <br />likewise of the opinion that the Boling Counsel Chair was far superior to <br />the other models offered and for this reason he moved that the bid of Bowen <br />Office Equipment Company for eight Boling Counsel Chairs in the amount of <br />$1, 480. 38, be accepted.. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion <br />and designated that the funds be taken from the Revenue Sharing Fund. The <br />Board next considered the bids for 106 Theatre type seats to be installed in <br />the Commissioners Room, and after inspection of the models, Commissioner <br />William H. Cooper moved that the bid of Standard Theatre Company in the <br />amount of $4, 146. 95, be accepted. Commissioner Hal Hancock seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted, and it was designated <br />that the funds for such purchase come from the Revenue Sharing Fund. <br />The Chairman asked the Board when they desired to consider <br />matters as a Board of Equalization and Review on May 7th, and it was decided <br />to begin at 9:30 o'clock a. m. <br />Mr. J. F. Hockaday, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of <br />Central Carolina Technical Institute, presented a letter from the Board of <br />Trustees to the Board of Conunissioners requesting that the Lee County <br />School Bus Garage be relocated in order that the Technical Institute might <br />be deeded the site and begin construction of new facilities. Upon motion of <br />Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it <br />was unanimously RESOLVED to contact the Chairman of the Lee County <br />School Board and request him to investigate site, price and availability <br />of sites for the relocation of the School Bus Garage. <br />It was requested that the Chairman find three such sites if <br />possible. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, seconded <br />by Commissioner William H. Cooper, and unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED that the former New Hope School site was surplus to the <br />County's needs and that the County Attorney was directed to have said <br />property advertised for sale and sold at public auction subject to the approval <br />of the Board for the bids received. <br />The Board next considered the bill of Womble Chevrolet for <br />repairs of a rescue vehicle. Commissioner Cooper explained that this was a <br />repair for use as a County ambulance, however, since it was a rescue vehicle, <br />he would discuss the bill with the authorities for the City of Sanford and see <br />if they would participate in the payment of this item. <br />Mr. Paul Barringer, Jr. , member of the Lee County School <br />Board, appeared before the Board and requested the Commissioners to <br />support the act which had been drafted for introduction in the General <br />Assembly which would authorize the County School Board to build a school <br />building anywhere within the County without regard to School Administrative <br />District lines. There was extensive discussion of the matter. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker moved that the Board endorse and approve the legislation. <br />Commissioner Hal Hancock seconded the motion. Commissioner Rogers <br />advised the Board that members of the Sanford City Board of Education had <br />advised him that they would consider the matter at their next meeting <br />and take a stand with respect to the legislation at that time. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker expressed the view that the action of the Board at this time <br />might jeopardize merger discussions. The question was not called, however, <br />and Commissioner Wicker, with the approval of Commissioner Hancock, <br />withdrew the motion from consideration at this meeting and stated that he <br />would re-introduce his motion at the next meeting of the Board. <br />