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BQOK S PAtf 204 <br />Upon recommendation of the Lee County Tax Supervisor, the <br />Board designated May 7th, 1973, to be the date on which the Board of <br />Equalization and Review of Lee County will sit to conduct its business. <br />A letter from Mr. Evander Winstead, Chairman of the Sanford <br />Board of Alcoholic Control. The Board of Alcoholic Control offered to pur- <br />chase all liquor seized by the Courts with seals and labels intactat a price <br />of 50% of the original wholesale cost. The Board approved the offer and <br />directed that the Clerk of Court and Sheriff be notified of their action. Also, <br />they requested a report on all of the liquor that had been seized by the authorities. <br />Commissioner Hal Hancock moved that the Board hire Mr. Julian <br />Williams as supervisor of the Landfill at the salary of grade 64, step 1. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The report of the Agricultural Extension Department was received <br />and distributed to members of the Board. <br />Commissioner Rogers and the County Accountant were authorized <br />to prepare an appropriate ad with respect to the use of the Revenue Sharing <br />Fund. <br />Commissioner Hal Hancock moved that the sum of $300. 00 be <br />appropriated from the Revenue Sharing Funds to the Civil Defense Fund for <br />the purchase of radio monitors for use by the Fire Departments in Lee <br />County. , <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers moved that the Board purchase <br />four 8 cubic yard refuse containers for use in the Landfill operations. Comm- <br />issioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and the motion was unanimous- <br />ly approved and it was directed that the funds for such items come from the <br />Revenue Sharing Fund <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the meeting be <br />adjourned until twelve o'clock noon on Friday, April 6th, 1973. Commissioner <br />Hal Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The meeting adjourned in accordance with the motion. <br />FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1973 <br />The Board reconvened at twelve o'clock noon on Friday, April 6th, <br />1973, in the Commissioners' Room on the second floor of the County Office <br />Building at the corner of Steele and Wicker Streets in the City of Sanford. <br />Commissioners William H. Cooper, Hal L. Hancock, J. Eugene Rogers, <br />Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker were present. Chairman Gordon <br />A. Wicker presided and the following business was transacted: <br />The Board first considered the bids received and the tabulation <br />made by the County Accountant. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper stated that he and Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker had examined the equipment and that in his opinion, the <br />Boling Judge Chairs were a superior product in comparison with other Judge <br />chairs which were offered, and for this reason, he moved that the bid of <br />Bowen Office Equipment Company in the amount of $1, 319. 42 be accepted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, the <br />1K <br />