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rs~ <br />BOOK O pp PAGE20J <br />Mr. Stallings of the State Forestry Department, appeared before <br />the Board and requested approval by the Board of the stationing of a Service <br />Forester in the area to serve Lee, Chatham and Moore Counties and also a <br />County Ranger to be stationed in Lee County. Mr. Stallings stated that his <br />present intention was to request Mr. Richard Bernard to be appointed as the <br />Forester, Mr. Allen Matthews to be the County Ranger and to authorize the <br />employment of an Assistant to assist the Lee County Ranger. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker moved that the request be approved, which motion was duly <br />seconded and upon a vote unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers moved the adoption of the <br />following resolution: <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF LEE, that Dr. <br />J. M. McKinnon, a licensed Veterinarian, be and he is <br />hereby appointed Rabies Inspector, to conduct a campaign <br />of vaccination, pursuant to Part 7, Article 37, Chapter 10.6, <br />of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and the vaccination <br />fee is hereby set at $3. 00 for each dog so vaccinated. <br />Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote, it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Hal T. Siler appeared before the Board and presented a right- <br />of-way map showing a proposed sewer line. The Commissioners approved <br />the taking of bids for construction of the line upon the execution of an approp- <br />riate easement as outlined by the plans prepared by Boney & Newcomb, Eng- <br />ineers. The motion to take such action was made by Commissioner Franklin <br />D. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers and unanimously <br />adopted upon a vote. <br />The monthly bills as tabulated by the County Accountant were <br />considered and discussed. <br />Commissioner Hal Hancock moved that the bill from Womble <br />Chevrolet be deleted from the list and that the remainder be approved for <br />payment. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next took up the audit report of the Sanford City <br />Board of Education. Chairman Wicker explained to the Board that the auditor had <br />recommended that the current expense fund repay to the Capital Outlay Fund <br />the amount of $24, 871. 00, and that there were sufficient funds in the Unapprop- <br />riated Surplus of the School's Current Expense Fund to carry out this recomm- <br />endation. Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers moved that there be appropriated <br />from the Unappropriated Surplus in the School's Current Expense Fund, the sum <br />of $35, 606. 30, to be distributed as follows: <br />To the Current Expense Fund of <br />the Sanford City Board of <br />Education <br />To the Lee County Board <br />of Education <br />. . $ 24, 871. 00 <br />. . . $ 10, 735. 30 <br />and that the Board of Commissioners authorized and directed the transfer of <br />the sum of $24, 871. 00 from the Current Expense Fund to the Capital Outlay <br />Fund of the Sanford City Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners <br />gave their approval for the transfer of $3, 071. 00 to the Capital Outlay Fund <br />of the Lee County Board of Education for the purpose of purchasing a pick up truck <br />for the use of the Supervisor of Transportation. <br />n <br />