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BOOK O PACE 21 <br />The Board directed that letters be sent to the Sanford <br />Advancement Center, the local National Guard Unit, and to the Rainbow <br />Girls for their activiiiesin clean-up programs each has sponsored recently. <br />Dr. John E. Dotterer, Messrs. Perry White and Gilbert <br />Matthews, Mrs. Roswald Daly and Miss Mary Scott Gurley, appeared on <br />behalf of the Lee County Library Board. Dr. Dotterer served as spokesman <br />and reported on the building program at Broadway and on the plans for the <br />construction of a Library in downtown Sanford. The Library Board requested <br />that the Commissioners make provision for the purchase of two lots on Haw- <br />kins Avenue and for a method of financing for a building program in the amount <br />of $200, 000. 00. <br />Mr. Fred Beck and Mr. Erwin Thomas, appeared before the <br />Board. There were no road petitions for the Commissioners to consider at <br />this meeting and the Board discussed road matters, generally. Mr. Beck <br />explained that he and Mr. Thomas were responsible only for the maintenance <br />of existing roads but that the Board should write Mr. Henry Jordan, Traffic <br />Engineer, expressing its concern about the number of wrecks which occur <br />on Highway 87 in the vicinity of the Little River Bridge. <br />Sheriff D. F. Holder appeared before the Board and requested <br />the Board to execute an agreement with the North Carolina Department of <br />Justice about the operation of the Police Information Network (PIN). It <br />appearing that the Board had already provided funds for such operation in the <br />Sheriff's budget and the Sheriff having requested the continuation of said pro- <br />gram, the following action was taken: <br />The following resolution was offered by Chairman Gordon A. <br />Wicker, and a motion was made by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock,. that it be <br />adopted, this motion was seconded by Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, and upon <br />being put to a vote, was unanimously carried; <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department <br />of Justice Police Information Network plans to make avail- <br />able to law enforcement agencies and other appropriate <br />agencies of the State through the use of a centralized com- <br />puter system various information now available or to be <br />developed essential to the efficient operation of said agen- <br />cies such as, but not limited to, information contained in <br />the Department of Motor Vehicles' files, information con- <br />tained in the National Crime Information Center, infor- <br />mation contained in the State Bureau of Investigation's files, <br />Department of Corrections' files, and information from <br />local law enforcement agencies by the installation of a <br />Police Information Network terminal in the County of Lee <br />for a period of oneyear provided the County of Lee agrees <br />to furnish a proper site for installing such terminal, and <br />the necessary personnel to operate said terminal, and <br />further agrees to assume the rental cost of such terminal <br />at the end of one year from the date of installation; that said <br />installation of a Police Information Net work terminal is <br />considered to be most necessary to the preservation of law <br />and order and the promotion of public safety within Lee <br />County; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of <br />Justice Police Information Network and this County have <br />agreed as follows: <br />