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M <br />BOOK 8 PACE241 <br />road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets <br />established standards and criteria. <br />Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was adopted by a majority vote. All of the commissioners <br />voted for adoption of the resolution except Chairman Gordon A. <br />Wicker expressed the opinion that commercial developers could <br />pay for the paving of their streets the same as other developers. <br />The monthly bills as tabulated by the County <br />Accountant were distributed and considered by the Board. After <br />discussion, Commissioner Cooper moved that the bills be <br />approved for payment. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker then brought up for.. discussion <br />the change of the title of the position of Director of the <br />office of Civil Preparedness to Coordinator of Civil Preparedness. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that <br />the position title be changed from Director to Coordinator of <br />the office of Civil Preparedness. Commissioner Hancock seconded <br />the motion and during the discussion on the motion the question <br />of the assignment of additional duties to the Coordinator was <br />discussed by the members of the Board. Commissioner Franklin <br />Wicker, by clarification, stated that he thought Mr. Cameron <br />could be assigned to do work in the nature of minor leg work <br />and that he wished to amend his motion to include that the <br />Coordinator be allowed to perform occasional ministerial duties <br />when the duties of his position will permit and he can <br />perform such other work as may be assigned to him by the Board <br />of Commissioners. Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion as <br />amended and upon a vote was unanimously adopted. The Board then <br />took up for consideration the budget estimate which had been <br />prepared and the following action was taken: <br />Page 5 <br />