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0 <br />BOOK FnE258 <br />lot adjacent to the Courthouse be withheld until such curb and <br />guttering have been installed. On a roll call vote, Messrs. <br />Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker, and G. Wicker all voted <br />for it, and no one voted against it. <br />There was a discussion about the procedures followed <br />in refueling of automobiles. The Board resolved to authorize <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper to install a suitable plan to <br />insure the proper accounting of the County gasoline and also <br />authorize that the pump may be shut down at night. This action <br />was taken upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, <br />seconded by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, and unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman reported that the Social Security Office <br />requested permission to remain in its present quarters on the <br />second (2nd) floor of the County Office Building through <br />October, 1973. The Board granted such permission and authorized <br />the installation of a private phone for the use of the Registration <br />Clerk of the Election Board upon motion of Commissioner Franklin <br />D. Wicker duly seconded by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock which <br />motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman called to the attention of the Board a <br />letter received about a state-wide school bond election. Upon <br />motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was resolved to <br />endorse the passage of the.state-wide school bond issue and to <br />request the assistance of all citizens in securing the passage of <br />said bond issue. Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and the <br />vote was unanimous. Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers and Miss Lois <br />Byrd of the Sanford Daily Herald Staff were requested to contact <br />Mr. Perry White to request his assistance in heading up.a committee <br />in support of said bond issue. . <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Rogers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Cooper, it was resolved to appoint Chairman Gordon A. <br />Wicker to be the delegate from Lee County- to the State Convention <br />of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be <br />held at Pinehurst, North Carolina, in August of 1973• <br />-4- <br />