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H <br />be accepted and that funds in that-amount derived from the <br />bond proceeds be.appropriated for the purpose of paying for <br />said project. Commissioner William H. Cooper seconded the <br />motion and upon a roll call vote, it was Adopted upon a majority <br />vote as, follows: Messrs. Cooper, Rogers, Franklin Wicker, and <br />Gordon Wicker voted for it; and Commissioner Hal L. Hancock <br />voted against it. Chairman Gordon A. Wicker reported to the <br />Board that'Stanadyne.had requested an"additional 200-feet of <br />line"within the highway right-of-way extension of the <br />project which had just been let. The Board discussed the <br />matter, and Commissioner William. H. Cooper moved that the <br />extension of said line for an additional 200 feet be authorized <br />and funds be appropriated from the bond proceeds to pay for such, <br />extension provided such project met the criteria established for <br />the installation of water and sewer lines as determined by, the <br />Tax Supervisor, James L. Clark. Commissioner Hal L. Hancock <br />seconded the motion and upon a.roll call vote, it was unanimously <br />adopted as follows:. Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, Franklin <br />Wicker, and Gordon Wicker all voted for'it and no'one voted <br />against it. <br />Mrs. Pattie W. McGilvary, Register of.Dee,ds, appeared <br />before the Board and presented informal bids she had obtained <br />for the purchase>of,equipment,~for use in her office. The bids <br />were.referred to Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers'-for his,consid- <br />oration and recommendations. Mrs: McGilvary requested' <br />consideration by the Board in purchasing liabil'fty,Asurance-' on <br />her behalf to cover errors and omissions on the part of her <br />staff. The Board requested a recommendation fromit°s insurance <br />agent in this regard and no action was taken on the request at <br />this meeting. <br />Mr. Fred Beck, District Engineer for the North <br />Carolina State Highway Commission, appeared before the Board <br />-4- <br />