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The Chairman announced that the time for receiving <br />bids for the electrical renovations on'the.fifth.(5th) floor <br />of the County Office Building had expired. The Chairman then <br />proceded the bids received which were as follows: <br />Phillips Electric Company. $7,650,00 <br />.,Since only one bid was received,.,.-the Board~rev,,iewed° the , , `I <br />specifications and compared the bid received for.this w6rk,with <br />the previous bids received for the renovations in wir'ng done <br />on the fourth (4th) floor on a previous occasion..i After,'finding <br />that the previous electrical renovations approximated the <br />amount of the bid for this job, Commissioner Cooper moved that , <br />the bid of the Phillips Electric Company in the.amount of <br />$7,650,00 be'accented and that funds. in that amountl"from Revenue <br />Sharing be appropriated for paying for such renovations. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call 'vote, it was unanimously adopted as follows: Messrs. <br />Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, Franklin Wicker'. and Gordon Wicker all <br />voted for it and no one voted against it.,. <br />Mr..Bobby Bracken, a member 6f the firm of 'Pate <br />Mullins; Architects'arid Engineers, appeared before the Board <br />and reported on the bid letting conducted by that firm on behalf <br />of the County for the installation of a 200-foot water and. <br />sewer line,to the Sta.nadyne Plant. Mr. Bracken reported that' <br />four firms: had solicited specification on,the job and that three <br />firms attempted to bid on the work. One firm did not have its <br />bid,form correctly filled in and the necessary bond attache'd to <br />it and for this reason, this bird was not accepted: Another one <br />of. the firms did not have, at the time of the bidding, a North <br />.Carolina license and therefore, its bid was.reject'ed. The only <br />acceptable bid was the' bid of Mr. Coker Blue in-,the ariount of <br />$11,270.00. After discussion and deliberation, Commissioner <br />Rogers moved that the Coker Blue bid in.the amount of -.$4,270.00 <br />. -3- <br />