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Upon motion of Commissioner F. Wicker, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, and unanimously adopted upon a <br />vote, it was resolved to request the Senators and representatives <br />in the General Assembly to notify the Board of Commissioners of <br />any legislation which will affect Lee County and particularly <br />legislation which might affect its financial. operations. Chairman <br />Gordon A. Wicker appointed Commissioner Hal L. Hancock to serve <br />as the County's representative on the Board of the Health Planning <br />Counsel.for Central North Carolina. <br />The written request of 61r. I. J. Beaver for the refund <br />of $14.76 personal property taxes which were paid in 1972 was <br />presented to the Board. It appeared that the vehicle had been <br />damaged in November of 1971 and was in a damaged state on <br />January 1, 1972, but had been listed at its full value for <br />taxation. After discussion, Commissioner William H. Cooper moved <br />that the request of Mr. I. J. Beaver be granted and that the Tax <br />Collector be authorized and directed to refund Mr. Beaver the sum <br />of $14.76. Commissioner Mal L. Hancock seconded the-motion. On <br />a roll call vote, Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker, and <br />G. Wicker all voted for it and the Chairman declared that it had <br />unanimously passed. <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields, County Finance Officer, appeared <br />before the Board and advised the Board that the 197; General <br />Assembly had inacted legislation authorizing Medicaid payments for <br />ambulance service when such service is specifically required and <br />where no other forms of medically feasibly transportation are <br />available. Mrs. Fields presented the north Carolina Medical <br />Assistance Program Ambulance Service Agreement, Title XIX, which <br />was considered by the Board. Upon motion of Commissioner William <br />H. Cooper, seconded by Commissioner F. D. Wicker, and unanimously <br />adopted upon a vote, it was resolved to authorize the Chairman to <br />execute the Ambulance Service Agreement for and on behalf of the <br />County. <br />2 <br />