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1973 - 11-19-73 Regular Meeting
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1973 - 11-19-73 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
1/12/2010 9:49:28 AM
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1/12/2010 9:48:59 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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IF N <br />8 ma 296 0 <br />Supervisor had investigated and reported that this was correct and a refund <br />was in order. Based upon the foregoing, Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers <br />moved that the Tax Collector be authorized and directed to refund to Gelco <br />Corporation the sum of $"28.50. Commissioner William H. Cooper seconded <br />the motion and upon a roll call vote, it was unanimously adopted. Messrs. <br />Cooper, Hancock, Rogers and Gordon Wicker all voted for it and no one voted against <br />it. <br />The written request of Mrs. J. W. Hawkins of Horner Boulevard, <br />Sanford, North Carolina, for a refund of $76. 86 from the 1972 levy and 1.973 levy <br />was presented to the Board. It appeared that Mrs. Hawkins owns two houses, <br />nowever, the listing and information indicated there were three houses on the <br />property and she had been incorrectly charged and one house had been double <br />.Listed for each of the foregoing years. The Tax Supervisor, James L. Clark, <br />had investigated the matter and certified these facts to be correct and recommended <br />that a refund be made. Based upon the foregoing, Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers <br />moved that the Tax Collector be authorized and directed to make a refund in the <br />amount of $'76. 25b, to Mrs. J. W. Hawkins, due to the error in double listing <br />her property. Commissioner William H. Cooper seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, it was unanimously adopted. Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers <br />and Gordon Wicker all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Mr. Wally Tyler appeared before the Board and presented a <br />road petition requesting that a road in Greenwood Township oe paved. In view of <br />the tact that the Board would be meeting with the Highway Authorities on the <br />tollowingday, no action was taken upon the petition at the time and Mr. Tyler <br />and the citizens accompanying him were advised that his petition would be <br />delivered to the proper authorities for investigation on the following day. <br />The Cnairman had the Clerk read a letter from Mr. Elbert <br />McPnaul, Jr. , Cnief of Engineer and Facilities Division in the office of the <br />Aujutant General, Division of the National Guard, of the North Carolina <br />Department of Military and Veterans A iairs.. A pnoto copy of the letter is <br />attached to these minutes, set out in full, and by reference made a part of these <br />minutes. Tne letter outlined the steps to be taken for the acquisition of a new <br />Armory for. Lee County. Upon motion of Commissioner William H. Cooper, <br />seconded by-Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, it was unanimously RESOLVED to <br />favor the acquisition of a new Armory and to authorize action reasonably calcu- <br />lated to carry out the program set forth in the letter. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers brought to the attention of the <br />Board the needed renovations in the existing Armory building. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers called the Board's attention <br />to the fact that the County would save one and on-fourth cents-per gallon tax on <br />its fuel used at the Landfill if it would acquire an additional storage tank at the Land= <br />fill sit e. <br />Mr. Hugh Brewer, Supervisor of County Maintenance, appeared <br />before the Board and requested and was authorized to have the leak repaired in the <br />roof over the District Courtroom at the Lee County Courthouse. <br />The renovations to the Superior Court Courtroom came up and it <br />was requested that Pate & Mullins, Architects, be advised of the urgency of this <br />project and requeted to complete their work as soon as possible. <br />Commissioner Cooper presented for the consideration of the <br />Board, a copy of the agreement between the City and County, with respect to <br />sewer and water line extensions and read those portions which related to the <br />time and manner of payment. Cnairman Gordon A. Wicker advised Mr. Cooper <br />-4- <br />
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