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1973 - 12-03-73 Regular Meeting
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1973 - 12-03-73 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
1/12/2010 9:46:56 AM
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1/12/2010 9:46:29 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 8 PAGE 301 <br />Aye: Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker and <br />G. Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker offered a resolution supporting <br />House Bill No. 529, concerning the payment of ad valorem taxes at the time of the <br />purchase of vehicle license tags and that a copy of such resolution be provided <br />the Chairman of the House Finance Committee and Senator W. W. Staton and <br />Representative J. L. Love. Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote, it was dulyadopted. <br />The written request from the Lee County Industries was presented t, <br />the Board asking for funds from their appropriation in the Mental Health <br />Budget to match Federal funds for a new category of clients. Commissioner <br />Cooper moved that, upon receipt of invoices, these funds be paid to Lee County <br />Industries. Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion, which was unanimously <br />adopted, upon a vote. <br />The Chairman informed the Board that Dr. and Mrs. John E. <br />Dotterer had contributed $10, 000. 00 toward the purchase price of the former. <br />Fleming property on Hawkins Avenue, to be used for a new Library Building. <br />The Chairman instructed the Clerk to write a letter of appreciation to Dr. and <br />Mrs. Dotterer thanking them for their generous gift. <br />Mr. James L.. Clark, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the <br />Board requesting approval of a statement of values for tax listing purposes, a <br />schedule of which is attached to these minutes. After a discussion and changes <br />in some categories, a motion was made by Commissioner Cooper, seconded <br />by Commissioner F. Wicker, and unanimously adopted, it was resolved to <br />accept the schedule. <br />Mr. James L. Clark, Tax Supervisor, presented the Board <br />a tentative list of names for list takers for the year 1974. <br />Mrs. Pattie McGilvary, Register of Deeds, appeared before <br />the Board to request that her office be provided with insurance coverage against <br />possible errors in indexing. Commissioner Cooper made a motion to transfer <br />$394. 00 from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the Register of <br />Deeds budget to provide such insurance. Commissioner Rogers seconded the <br />motion. A roll call vote was had with the following results: <br />Aye: Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker <br />Nay: Gordon Wicker <br />Mrs. Pattie McGilvary, Register of Deeds explained to the Board <br />the need for additional storage in the Register's office and the need for an Index <br />Print-Out. Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hancock, it was unanimously RESOLVED to pay for such services from the <br />Revenue Sharing Funds the amount of $1,600. 00. A roll call vote was held with <br />the following results: <br />Aye: Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker, G. Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />It was called to the attention of the Board that this was the first <br />Monday in December and that the Board should re-organize. The Board requested <br />Mr. Sion H. Kelly, Clerk of Court, to conduct an election to determine who would <br />serve as Chairman of the Board for the coming year. Mr. Kelly distributed ballots <br />and the members voted. The ballots were counted and it was determined that Mr. <br />Gordon A. Wicker had received three (3) votes for Chairman and Mr. J. Eugene <br />
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